Failed NCLEX-PN for the 2nd time, please help!!!


Hi I failed Nclex PN for the second time. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm not a very good test taker sometimes, but this exam is really kicking my butt. This is the only exam I'm having a problem with:confused: Can ANYONE out there PLEASE give me some study habit tips, or testing material. I used Saunders and Exam Cram to study with. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do fine on the Practice exams but the REAL Exam, forget. Thanks for your time.:)

Give yourself a couple of days to recover, then get out a calendar and make a plan. You can do this. You will succeed as long as you don't give up. Remember when starting to prepare again that you need to study as if you had never tested. Good luck.

Thanks caliotter3 :)

Specializes in peds.

Lippincott's and learning extension i believe from National board of Nursing Council have review for 5week and up.Kaplan review is good as well.I think you might want to practice alot of questions if you are one of those people that are not a good test taker.Goodluck!.

Try learning extension like 'prayer works' says....good luck

First thing is to relax and do your best to stay positive. You've gotten through nursing school... you will get through the NCLEX!

I suggest doing questions from NCLEX-PN 3000 -;jsessionid=0FE27FD235E3BB52358D5C2F791FDB6F. Don't worry too much about your score, just concentrate on understanding the rationale. Know infection control like the back of your hand. The mnemonics posted on this site helped a lot. Know which patient can room with which, whether you should keep the door opened or closed, etc. Memorize your lab values, conversions and dosage calculations, and know the normal vital signs of infants, children, adults, and elderly. Prayer helped a lot for me. Nothing is impossible without Him as long as you believe!

Also remember that the exam is different for everyone. I know people that had a lot of peds and meds, while some had a lot of labs, and others had a lot of math. I had no math and infection control seemed like my entire exam!

Much luck to you and keep us posted. You can do this and you will pass!! ;)

I passed my lvn exam on 2nd attempt....

2nd time i study these 3 books and it helped me to pass..

1. kaplan stragety book ( After u read this book...u will learn which pt nurse gonna see or asign first. nothing much )

2. Exam cram 1000 question and answer book

3. incridibily made easy 2nd edition book for lvn 3000 question and answer book

4. Nclex 3000 cd did abt 1500 questions....

after reading this material i passed.......

i m not telling u to buy those all books.....

other students will tell u diffrents u not gonna buy everytthing.......

its just how i of luck

Thanks for the Great advice everyone.

Prado: I have the Kaplan, Exam Cram and Saunder's but I will look into getting incridibily made easy 2nd edition book for lvn 3000 question and answer book and Nclex 3000 cd did abt 1500 questions.

lovenursejm: I prayed and I felt God wasn't listening but then realized he helps people who helps themselves. I think I wasn't as serious enough with the studying. Sometimes I wake up and be in study mood, and other times not. Thinking to myself I have 3 mths ahead, how am I going to remember all this. They real do say if you don't Use it, you Lose it. lol. I really need to sit and understand the the rationale more. Thanks for the website, I will check it out.

I am going back to my school for a Comp review that is held for the class that just graduated. I graduated in Jan, but it's free for us. So I will try again. Thanks everyone for the positive vibes.

I passed my lvn exam on 2nd attempt....

2nd time i study these 3 books and it helped me to pass..

1. kaplan stragety book ( After u read this book...u will learn which pt nurse gonna see or asign first. nothing much )

2. Exam cram 1000 question and answer book

3. incridibily made easy 2nd edition book for lvn 3000 question and answer book

4. Nclex 3000 cd did abt 1500 questions....

after reading this material i passed.......

i m not telling u to buy those all books.....

other students will tell u diffrents u not gonna buy everytthing.......

its just how i of luck

hi Prado,

im taking my exam next month for 2nd time. any more advice. I really need to pass this time ;(

First thing is to relax and do your best to stay positive. You've gotten through nursing school... you will get through the NCLEX!

I suggest doing questions from NCLEX-PN 3000 -;jsessionid=0FE27FD235E3BB52358D5C2F791FDB6F. Don't worry too much about your score, just concentrate on understanding the rationale. Know infection control like the back of your hand. The mnemonics posted on this site helped a lot. Know which patient can room with which, whether you should keep the door opened or closed, etc. Memorize your lab values, conversions and dosage calculations, and know the normal vital signs of infants, children, adults, and elderly. Prayer helped a lot for me. Nothing is impossible without Him as long as you believe!

Also remember that the exam is different for everyone. I know people that had a lot of peds and meds, while some had a lot of labs, and others had a lot of math. I had no math and infection control seemed like my entire exam!

Much luck to you and keep us posted. You can do this and you will pass!! ;)

im taking my exam next month for 2nd time. any more advice. I really need to pass this time ;(

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