Published Jul 4, 2013
61 Posts
I have been lurking around here for a little while during nursing school and recently now that I graduated in May. I took my nclex July 2, and found out today (July 4) that I failed :-( I am devastated to say the least for so many reasons. I studied for about four weeks with the saunders book, finished the entire book and always did the questions at the end of the chapters. I memorized lab values etc. I did lots of questions on ATI, and the prioritization, delegation and assignment books for practice as well. I truly felt prepared.
During the test, I found myself frequently stuck between all four answers of the questions instead of the usual 2. But I also understood and confidently answered a good amount of the questions. I believe my test went to 85 questions. I walked out, not feeling good about it, but never expecting that I would fail. Of course I did the pearson vue trick as soon as I got home and never good the good pop-up, so deep down I knew and just prayed for a miracle until the official results came in.
My questions is, what now? I already payed the $200 to take my test again because I wanted to retake it asap. I know I have to wait at least 45 days to retake... Does anyone know how fast the ATT will come? I am in Mass, so is there a limit for the number of times I can take the test? I couldnt seem to find this info online. And lastly, what should I do to study. I def feel I should do something different since the saunders book obviously didn't work for me. I had payed for the ATI course during my last semester of school since it is what my school used to prepare the students. I decided to not use ATI to study after I graduated because it seemed redudant and a waste of time to answer case study questions etc. But now I'm thinking I should have done that. I also heard about NCSBN, what exactly is it and how does it work?
Sorry for the long post, I am devastated and feel totally helpless. I still can't believe I failed :-(
By the way this test really makes you feel like a complete dumbas$ if you fail. I just read that there is a 90% passing rate for us educated, bachelors student. WOW. Way to make me feel STUPID :-(
NotMyProblem MSN, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN
2,690 Posts
I only used Kaplan's Strategies, Practices, & Review. I read it from cover to cover twice. The second time, when doing the questions, I would not move on to the next question until I COMPLETELY understood the rationale behind their chosen answer. Simply knowing the answer is not enough. The rationale and being able to think your way through the options is the key. Good luck on your retake. The way I understand it, you should be receiving a printout that highlights your weak areas. Use that to cater your study plan focal points. Zero in on the rationales for those weakness.
2 Posts
I am also from mass and I failed my first time too. I got 265 questions. You will get a paper in the mail telling you how you did in the different areas of the exam. You will need to call the board and make a payment for $80. I called and the next day I recieved my ATT via email, but a friend of mine failed as well and it took a week for her ATT. No, there is no limit on how many times you take it as long as you wait 45 days in between each time. I did the Kaplan review and took it a week after. This time around I am doing Saunders and the Kaplan questions again.
I know it's hard and you are going to feel like a complete failure (because I do) but you just need to go through the stages of grieving and put your nose to the books and keep studying. You will pass this test and you will be an awesome nurse! Don't be to hard on yourself. Take a week or two and go get your mind off it, do something fun! YOU CAN DO THIS!
I am also from mass and I failed my first time too. I got 265 questions. You will get a paper in the mail telling you how you did in the different areas of the exam. You will need to call the board and make a payment for $80. I called and the next day I recieved my ATT via email, but a friend of mine failed as well and it took a week for her ATT. No, there is no limit on how many times you take it as long as you wait 45 days in between each time. I did the Kaplan review and took it a week after. This time around I am doing Saunders and the Kaplan questions again. I know it's hard and you are going to feel like a complete failure (because I do) but you just need to go through the stages of grieving and put your nose to the books and keep studying. You will pass this test and you will be an awesome nurse! Don't be to hard on yourself. Take a week or two and go get your mind off it, do something fun! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Thanks for your reply and words of encouragement. This is very tough. So you payed 80 bucks for what? I confused. For the ATT? I hope I dont have to pay anything else since I already payed the 200 to retake it. And to think that I might have to thrown down more money for another study plan. Nursing school was expensive enough but me failing this test is adding fuel to the fire.
BloomNurseRN, ASN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 722 Posts
I'm not in Mass but I believe most states make you pay again to re-register for eligibility. I don't agree with it but that seems to be the case from what I've read on here. Good luck and I'm sure you will get this done next time!
15 Posts
I feel like I'm in the same boat. Anyone know how it works in PA?
10 Posts
I'm in MA and found out today I failed as well. I'm absolutely devastated. Feeling like a failure. I'm hoping tomorrow brings renewed strength. It's comforting to see that I am not in this alone.
I'm very sorry, You are def not alone. I felt terrible the past 2-3 days but today, after a lot of reflecting and speaking to different people I feel so much better and more motivated than ever to pass next time. Hang in there.
9 Posts
To all of you that failed, you are not alone! For one you are not stupid. This test is more of a GAME than anything. I have taken the test 3 times and have been unsuccessful. Talk about feeling like a dumb ass!! I even tutored my friends in nursing school and they ALL passed on the first time 3 of them in 75 questions. I retake the test in August. But just to point out a little fact about how the nclex isn't about intelligence, I finished my last semester of nursing school while attending graduate school for my MBA at the SAME TIME!! Yes insanity!!! You must NEVER give up #1. Part 2 find out what works for YOU! After i failed the third time, i decided to do hurst online, read Linda Lacharity's PDA, The KAPLAN NCLEX RN 2012-2013 strategies book and next week I'm starting on Saunders. The test is about DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE QUESTION IS ASKING? After three unsuccessful attempts, it wasn't my CORE knowledge that was the issue. It was the fact that I wasn't trained on how to answer the questions. Therefore, I strongly suggest renting the Kaplan nclex RN 2012-2013 strategies book
Once I started to read that book I realized that I was falling for the "distractor" answers. That book teaches you HOW TO TAKE THE TEST!!!! I strongly recommend you start there. Best of luck. You will get it!
To all of you that failed, you are not alone! For one you are not stupid. This test is more of a GAME than anything. I have taken the test 3 times and have been unsuccessful. Talk about feeling like a dumb ass!! I even tutored my friends in nursing school and they ALL passed on the first time 3 of them in 75 questions. I retake the test in August. But just to point out a little fact about how the nclex isn't about intelligence, I finished my last semester of nursing school while attending graduate school for my MBA at the SAME TIME!! Yes insanity!!! You must NEVER give up #1. Part 2 find out what works for YOU! After i failed the third time, i decided to do hurst online, read Linda Lacharity's PDA, The KAPLAN NCLEX RN 2012-2013 strategies book and next week I'm starting on Saunders. The test is about DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE QUESTION IS ASKING? After three unsuccessful attempts, it wasn't my CORE knowledge that was the issue. It was the fact that I wasn't trained on how to answer the questions. Therefore, I strongly suggest renting the Kaplan nclex RN 2012-2013 strategies bookOnce I started to read that book I realized that I was falling for the "distractor" answers. That book teaches you HOW TO TAKE THE TEST!!!! I strongly recommend you start there. Best of luck. You will get it!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I admire your drive and positive attitude. I found that being positive makes all the different. It gives you the strength and motivation to move on and believe you will pass next time. I am not sure what my weakness is yet, but I am adopting a new way of studying this time around and hopefully have better luck. I purchashed the kaplan book on amazon yesterday because I keep hearing its great for strategies.
Thanks and God willing you will pass next month!
Here is something that has kept me going since December when I finished nursing school and failed my boards 3 times. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb!!! And that is what he said when they asked him about that…
“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” – Thomas Edison
So approach the NCLEX much like Thomas Edison approached inventing the light bulb! You HAVENT FAILED! You have just successfully discovered one way not to pass NCLEX!!! Don't give up. For if you do, then and only then have you really failed! :)