failed again !!! is there any chance to pass


hi i failed three times i took this exam since 3 yres. am not able to concenterate , study . all i am getting very bad name and opinion from my own family.this tough makes my life more harder . every time i go with all positive attitude and get out depression and failure. more over if i take again it will be changed by april which is gonna be more tough i dont know how to prepare . i bought all books and kaplan review . still am not passing . i never failed in my school exams . i studied outside usa. am i the only foreign nurse who is not to pass for 3 continuous. i i dont feel like studying at all. please help me and your valuable suggestions

I know exactly how you feel because I have failed twice and my family and friends look down on me or atleast I feel that way. I feel like a failure but I will not give up on my dream either so have faith!! Prey to god each and every day and practice doing questions..atleast 100 a day!! That's what I've been doing now..just practice questions until I get tired and then take my nclex pn exam wit crossed fingers n prayers. Goodluck to u & pls have faith..cuz one day u will succeed and god will see through ur hard work and dedication!! :)


Specializes in Psych, Skilled Nursing.
hi i failed three times i took this exam since 3 yres. am not able to concenterate , study . all i am getting very bad name and opinion from my own family.this tough makes my life more harder . every time i go with all positive attitude and get out depression and failure. more over if i take again it will be changed by april which is gonna be more tough i dont know how to prepare . i bought all books and kaplan review . still am not passing . i never failed in my school exams . i studied outside usa. am i the only foreign nurse who is not to pass for 3 continuous. i i dont feel like studying at all. please help me and your valuable suggestions

yes there is!! please read my post on how I prepared for my test :)

Good luck!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You can do it, many nurses fail 3 or more times and for foreign trained nurses it gets harder to pass the more you fail.

Look at how you studied in the past and look at another way that works. Not sure how you studied before but for my third and final time (and I was a foreign trained nurse) I set aside 2 hours a day when I was working and 4 hours a day when I wasn't working and used Saunders comprehensive review and and practised questions. I aimed for 100 a day and read the rationales. It helped me understand the question and to look at what the question was asking

Specializes in LTC, MDS Cordnator, Mental Health.

when you do the practice questions, don't focus so much if you get it right. Read the rational.... right or wrong READ the rational.

If you keep trying eventually you will pass. Don't give up. Schedule the test for March, then take it. Good luck.


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