Fail nclex two times, what will i do?

Nursing Students NCLEX



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      2ND TAKE....FAILED

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I just take my NCLEX for RN last June 17, 2015 for the second time and I failed.

I used different kinds of books for my review. Please I need tips and strategies in taking NCLEX. My computer stop on #75 question same thing on my first take. I don't know what to do now.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Is English your first language? Could that be a barrier to passing the exam?

English is my 2nd language but I don't think that could be a barrier on my exam.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

I think if you poked around here on an, you might see from other esl nursing candidates that it MAY be a barrier.

Why do YOU think you've failed twice?

You have to find out the weakness.. Content? Try Hurst. Strategy? Try Kaplan. You should probably have around 3000 questions under your belt before you take it the third time. I'm in the same boat you are.. And English is my first language! When you do more questions.. Really study the rationales incorporating more senses.. TALK through the rationales.. WRITE down what you don't know and study that daily before you do your daily questions (50-100). At the beginning of the week go through and only keep the notes/info that you're still not comfortable with (until you ARE comfortable). That's what I'm doing and I feel as though I am absorbing more. That is just my 2 cents. Good luck!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
English is my 2nd language but I don't think that could be a barrier on my exam.

This is the most common reason for non-native speakers to have difficulty with the NCLEX. You need to review your candidate performance reports to review your strengths and weaknesses and create a targeted plan. Did you improve? Were you below the passing standard and now near the standard?

I only have books to review like Saunders, Lippincott, Kaplan, and Exam Cram.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Khan Academy is free and has video/online NCLEX-RN prep

I took the NCLEX five times and just recently passed.....The Hurst review helped me the most....not sure if you know but the NCLEX passing standards where increased the summer of 2013...the exam is based on Bloom's Taxonomy; before you could pass NCLEX by mastering knowledge and comprehension but now in addition you must master application and analysis. Please trust me I took this exam five times; KAPLAN trainers 6 & 7 both focus on application and analysis; if you can get 60% on these two trainers you have a 95% chance of passing the NCLEX. You can google the Trainers.....Best of luck to you....

I took the NCLEX five times and just recently passed.....The Hurst review helped me the most....not sure if you know but the NCLEX passing standards where increased the summer of 2013...the exam is based on Bloom's Taxonomy; before you could pass NCLEX by mastering knowledge and comprehension but now in addition you must master application and analysis. Please trust me I took this exam five times; KAPLAN trainers 6 & 7 both focus on application and analysis; if you can get 60% on these two trainers you have a 95% chance of passing the NCLEX. You can google the Trainers.....Best of luck to you....

I responded to this comment of yours on another thread, but I see it's repeated here. You are under the impression that the exam became more complicated recently; it did not. You could NOT have passed prior to 2013 with a simple knowledge base, you ALWAYS had to demonstrate competency in application of that knowledge, and analysis of situations presented. Perhaps this was a weak area for you and why you kept failing, but it was not because the formatting or content of the test changed.

Additionally, while it is true that every three years a very marginal, very small incremental increase in difficulty is made, it is not something that would affect the average nursing student in a decent program, studying properly. Any nursing program should be preparing graduates to pass the NCLEX EVERY year, including the one every three that sees this (very) marginal change. Someone who failed in 2013 had an overwhelming likelihood of failing in 2012 as well.

I'm glad you passed, truly, but I want to caution you against giving advice to people based on erroneous information, and....well...your own experience of having failed numerous times. Your plan of action was certainly targeted to what you needed, and obviously it eventually worked! But understanding the test is important, too, so that's why I'm offering this clarification.

In order to pass this exam the first time, people need a solid understanding of BOTH nursing education content material AND how to apply that information in any given situation. Critical thinking skills must be demonstrated, or an applicant will not pass.


Thanks for taking time to post on my comment; however my information is not erroneous. Just wanted to state some facts for your consideration. Please take time to check your facts before you post comments based on your "world."

"The NCLEX standards increased in 2013"

"Published on Jan 10, 2013

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing voted to raise the passing standard for the 2013 NCLEX-RN Examination. This passing standard will go into effect on April 1, 2013 (with the implementation of the new 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan)."

This is just one of many website supporting the increased standard for the exam....

The NCLEX is based on Blooms Taxonomy

The NCLEX uses the Original Bloom's Taxonomy and the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy for cognitive level classification, as referenced in the NCLEX Test Plans.

The passing rate for the state of TEXAS in 2014 was below the national average along with many other states based on the increase in the difficulty of the NCLEX.

[h=3]NCLEX-RN PASSING STANDARD[/h]The NCSBN Board of Directors voted in December 2012 to raise the passing standard for the NCLEX-RN. The passing standard was revised from -0.16 logits to 0.00 logit. This passing standard was implemented April 1, 2013, in conjunction with the 2013 NCLEX-RN Test Plan. The new passing standard will remain in effect through March 31, 2016.

Finally I would like to say who made you the allnurses comment experiences are my own and I am sharing info just like everyone else in this group.


Superman BSM, BSN, RN

I just take my NCLEX for RN last June 17, 2015 for the second time and I failed.

I used different kinds of books for my review. Please I need tips and strategies in taking NCLEX. My computer stop on #75 question same thing on my first take. I don't know what to do now.

OK, so here's the reality of the matter. If you are not getting past question # 75 and failing, you are doing very poorly on the exam. Like others have said, you need to assess your performance on the past 2 exams and tailor your future studies to address your deficiencies. If the issue isn't the fact that english is your second language, then the issue is likely your inability to critically think and apply what you learned in nursing school. As someone else said, you need to do a multitude of practice questions and read every rationale, even the ones that you got right.

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