facebook "stalking" as a nurse?

Nurses General Nursing


I was just sitting here thinking and thought, wow at my hospital we wear name tags that say our position, first name and last name.

**Does anyone ever worry about some patients who dont have your best interest in mind to try and find you on facebook and kind of stalk you?

** Has anyone had this happen to them, where a former patient kept bothering them via facebook?

** Has anyone had a patient literally stalk you? Do you ever worry about wearing name tags with your full name on it?

**What did you do to stop it?

** Do you think a full name is required on a name tag?

Im not saying all people will do that but working in the medical feild we all come into contact with a ton of people on a daily basis and some might not be the safest people ever either, it was just a thought on this name tag thing. What are your opinons on it.

Specializes in Med Surge, Tele, Oncology, Wound Care.


Bump up a response, I was responding moreso to babylady. Thanks :redpinkhe

Specializes in Critical Care.

I don't believe our last names should be displayed on our name badges. If a patient and/or family member wants to make a complaint or positive comment about me, and need my last name, this can be handled by management or legal services...that is their job. I live in Ohio. From my understanding, there is no law that says a healthcare worker's first and last name need to be displayed on the ID badge. Recently had an incident where I worked, where a patient was stalking a nurse on Facebook....never addressed by management with the patient...after all it is just about patient "rights." Because of this, some nurses have concealed their last name on their ID badges, myself included. Facebook and other social media aside, for a small fee, anyone can access people's information on-line by typing in the first and last name on "search people" sites. If you don't believe this...try it!!! Often times, these websites give phone numbers, past and present addresses, and most frightening...names and addresses of family members. For those who have the mentality that it hasn't happened to me...keep burying your head in the sand...because it CAN. If you don't care about yourself, think about your loved ones.

Specializes in Critical Care.

And, before anyone accuses me of using "search people" websites for illicit gains...I investigated these kind of websites for a college paper,

Protip: don't use your real name on facebook AND pick out a display picture that makes it impossible to identify you

Specializes in Critical Care.

Good luck reading my signature!

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

A Lazarus thread!! The displaying last name thing is vastly discussed elsewhere. I'm in support of displaying our full names. See other threads for an exhaustive discussion of reason common to myself and others (and opposition).

I'm against mandatory last name display, mainly due to an endless barrage of "Excuse me, but HOW do you say (pronounce) your last name".

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