F/T nursing school/program & NO work


i have no idea how to title this thread, so if any of you have better suggestions, please let me know.


for those of you who attended nursing school full-time, and did not work, how were you able to survive or make it financially as far as your income went? how long was your program & how did you possibly pay your bills?

i'm not worried about tuition...i'm terrified about having an income while going to nursing school full-time. i know that you *can* possibly work, but i don't want to just "barely get by" and be so stressed out that i am burnt and not really absorbing nursing as a whole.

i hear people saying that they have gotten loans etc. however, my credit is awful due to a terrible ex-boyfriend. ugh. i would need a supplemental income of $1,000 (absolute maximum) per month..for up to 30 months (to finish adn). so basically, i would need $30,000. i would barely scratch by..but it would definitely be possible.

i'm wondering if i apply for financial aid, and my program tuition is paid for, if i would be able to take out a seperate loan to cover the cost of living. i am soooooooo stressed out about this. if i were majoring in something else, i might not be..but this is nursing...it's no joke. :uhoh21:

I guess I am one of the incredibly lucky ones. I was supposed to get a scholarship from the hospital where I work, which not only would have paid for the tuition and books for school, but also allow me to work only part-time and still be paid for full-time and retain my benefits and I only had to agree to work for them for the next three years following graduation. However, the Foundation ran out of money (not as many donations as in previous years past), so the whole thing, I thought, was about to go up in smoke. My BF, God-Bless-Him, stepped in and is not only going to pay the nursing school expenses, but all of my other expenses as well. He knows it's an investment in our future, and he offered, I didn't even have to ask. This is the same man who cooks and does dishes on nights when I had class when I was doing my prereqs! Yep, he's a keeper!

Specializes in Neurology NP.

Take out loans. Don't worry about how much you WILL owe, think of it as an investment in your future. Don't let loans stop you. You'll def be able to pay them back with a career in nursing. In the meantime, work all you can until your program starts so you can have some xtra money. Try to get scholarship and maybe your own nursing school has extra stash for nursing students, specifically. Mine did. I did an accelerated program in one year, so I only had to get by for a year, which was still difficult! Good luck! Go for it!

thanks frankyfern & ladyetain.

i definitely agree that this is worth the investment. i, too, am lucky enough to have a guy that would do just about anything to put me thru college. he already is offering to work and pay for our monthly bills. however, he is to start college soon as well. he will be attending fordham university, and due to his admission program, he must take full time credits.

i feel awful because we both need to get thru college and i do not want to hold him back...vice versa.

i'm weighing out the loans. i don't mind taking out a loan...but i'm wondering..where do i start? my credit is awful. that is the one thing that really has me stressing.

I got my school paid for by the labor department which covered my tuition and books as well as a loving wife that supported me and my two year old son through nursing school. The program is a federal program and it is called WIA or Workforce Initiative Act which was killer because it freed up my student loan money because the tuition was covered it is a start to check with the labor department in your area to find out if it is available. they also pay you like 3 dollars a day to go to class which isn't much but every two weeks it bought me and my family some steaks and a 12 pack of beer to unwind from the stress of juggling family and nursing school. hope this helps.

lol @ 12 pack of beer.

oh do i feel you!

i am definitely going to have to look into this.

how did you qualify for this? bless you!

Specializes in Gyn/STD clinic tech.


I am a nursing student in my second year, and I BARTEND.

I make 300-500 a week bartending 2 nights a week, 7.5 hours each shift.

Perhaps working in a bar a few hours on the weekend could help you?

I have been worried about how I am going to financially get through nursing school also. I'm currently working my butt of to pay down all my credit cards and such and I just managed to pay off my car loan.. So I officially own it! I'm hopeing that by the time I start the nursing program the only bills I will have are monthly homeowner related bills. I also am about to finish a medical transcriptionist course. I have a few friends who have taken this course (self paced and online, about 4 months) and were offered jobs right out of training. While I am in nursing school I plan on working only as much as I need in medical transcription... it's pretty good money and you get to do it right from home on your own time, so your not wasting time traveling and you almost can set your own hours for the most part. And lastly, I am hopeing that my boyfriend will get a job to pay the household bills. He just graduated college and is looking but the job market is pretty shook up right now. So long as he finds something we will both make it through my nursing school financials with a little help from those student loans.

Best of luck to you on finding what works for you. But if you want the information on the medical transcription school let me know. It was easy because the first half was just mostly a review of my pre-reqs.

Specializes in med-surg.

Hello! I worked at a hospital as a nurse apprentice (NAP) while I was going to school. As a NAP, I worked per diem, so as long as I put myself on the schedule at least 3xs per month, then that was good. It was cool cause I picked my own shifts and worked around exams and stuff. Plus, it gave me experience that some other new grads did not have so it helped me land a job. Good luck!

How did you apply for the nurse apprentice (NAP) position? I have never seen that listed before. How was the pay?

WIA is an income based program! If you are not under the poverty level you will not qualify unless you have been laid off within the last 2years and currently unemployed also you must have your nursing acceptance letter they will not help with any pre-nursing classes. I have tried everything to get help and we make to much for help but not enough to raise a family of 5. Student loans are the only thing I can get! Good luck to yall....

Specializes in Family Med, Mental Health, Public Health.


I know that you can qualify for the regular student loans through your school (not the private ones). I believe it is called the Direct Loan or Stafford Loan? I am not sure but its the federal one. Personally, I had an academic scholarship that paid my tuition and fees, plus I was fortunate enough to have parents that helped me financially as well. But, other classmates and colleagues werent as fortunate and did indeed take advantage of the student loan program. I say give it a shot. Since your tuition is already taken care of, any loan amount you get per semester will come back to you in a refund. I know people who had terrible credit and still got these loans. I think all you need to be is a student and have no criminal history. Be sure that when you complete your FAFSA, you indicate you are interested in loans...Hope that helps a little!

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