Excelsior practice test


Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

I think I saw the anwer to this ? somewhere but not can't find it.

How much are the Excelsior practice exams? I looked on excelsior but they don't list a price before you register for them.

Specializes in med/surg, LTC.
$60 for both.

200 questions

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

What do you mean for both?

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

you get two practice test (form a and form b) per concept exam. i always take one before i start studying just to see where i am then the next the day before the test...

what do you mean for both?
Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

Ok thank you that makes more sense.......

Do they really prepare you well for exam, are they worth the money?

I know you still need to study to pass but if you do like you said one before you will know what you may need to focus on. Then the other will give you reassurance wether you are ready of not.

Do you take practice test at pearson also? Do you get rationale of the ones that you get wrong when the test is over?

Specializes in med/surg, LTC.

you can take the tests from home, from your own computer. you get a rationale for every question, whether you answered them right or wrong.

some of the questions were on my actual exam. some of the info i got from the rationale helped me answer other questions. don't think they were a waste of money at all. don't think they were enough to pass the exam. but enough to make a difference in your grade.

i took mine (both of them) a few days before the exam...whatever works for you. i knew i wasn't ready to take them right at the beginning, although they recommend you do that. i guess i wanted to make the most out of my money...but like i said, you do whatever works best for you.

Specializes in Psych, LTC, Acute Care.
Ok thank you that makes more sense.......

Do they really prepare you well for exam, are they worth the money?

I know you still need to study to pass but if you do like you said one before you will know what you may need to focus on. Then the other will give you reassurance wether you are ready of not.

Do you take practice test at pearson also? Do you get rationale of the ones that you get wrong when the test is over?

No, you don't take practice test at pearson vue. You buy them from the EC website and take them on the EC website. You cannot buy a practice test unless you register for the exam.They are worth the money to me because a few are on the actual test. I also like that they break the questions into sections so you know where your weakness are. Read all the rationales and go to the section of the book that explains the topics to get a better understanding.

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

for me they are a necessity. like others said some of the questions are on the actual exam and they do break down the rationals so you can better understand where they are coming from with some of these answers. this practice test probably the difference in a a and a b/c for me on nc 3 . there was a lot of the practice questions that showed up on the test probably a good 20 questions or so. some of the answers to these questions would not be my first pick but like i said it gives me a idea of how they are thinking.

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

Thanks so much. I didn't mean are they worth it just to rely on them to pass the test(no way).

I need to take A&P, micro and life span with them. I prinited the content study guides, have a few books from shcool and will also get a few others for micro and lifespan. For A&P I have 3 good books and may use one of my nclex review cd's to study the format it give the option to study by body sytem on the cd.

Any tips for Lifespan books, I heard dymystified for micro is good.

Right now doing sociology as a clep but want to get some of the harder ones knocked out. Algebra is going to kill me so if I can relieve some pressure of getting these out of the way it will help.

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

are you going through ec or isu. just curious cause you don't need algebra for ec.

thanks so much. i didn't mean are they worth it just to rely on them to pass the test(no way).

i need to take a&p, micro and life span with them. i prinited the content study guides, have a few books from shcool and will also get a few others for micro and lifespan. for a&p i have 3 good books and may use one of my nclex review cd's to study the format it give the option to study by body sytem on the cd.

any tips for lifespan books, i heard dymystified for micro is good.

right now doing sociology as a clep but want to get some of the harder ones knocked out. algebra is going to kill me so if i can relieve some pressure of getting these out of the way it will help.

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.
this practice test probably the difference in a a and a b/c for me on nc 3 .

thanks. i'm not doing the nc test though. i live in ca so only option for me as far a distance learning is isu. i wish excelsior was an option but its not. i have a total of 7 pre/co rec's that i will have to test through excelsior on.








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