Excelsior............a good choice??

Nursing Students Online Learning


Hi, I an LPN looking to bridge into the RN. I found a nice program with Excelsior.....besides the price being outrageous.....it seems too good to be true. I researched some of the posts on here about Excelsior but it is older info and I would feel better to hear more recent experiences. What do you think about the program? Any problems come up that you did not foresee. I came from a tough nursing school so I am up for any challenge but I really am wondering if I am missing a catch with them. Any info would be greatly appreciated

Felecia :bugeyes:

Specializes in LTC/Behavioral/ Hospice.

The only little hiccup I've had with them is not their fault. It has taken a long time for my previous college to send them the transcripts so it's made my wait for enrollment a little bit longer. I really enjoy studying here in my home or at the library when it get's too loud, lol. I'm on schedule to complete this is 1 year, but I had almost all of my prereqs completed. If you are a self motivated studier, then this could be it! Good luck!


I am 37 and an LPN of eleven years. I am married with three young children ages 4,6,and 9. So, being able to go through excelsior is a dream come true!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM !!! If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen!!!!! Bight the bullet; you'll be glad you did!!! Oh, also,FL BON will except EC as long as your already an LPN, and I see that you are, so, go for it!!!!

Specializes in ER, urgent care.

I just graduated from the program, Oregon does recognize it. It was great for me I am a paramedic and didn't have to wait to get into traditional nursing school. Melissa GN

Specializes in ER, urgent care.

I used TCN and passed all my test the first time through, only one C the rest A and B's. So some people don't like TCN but I did and my friend is happy with it also. Melissa GN

Specializes in Urgent Care.

I think the EC program is great. It does require a lot dedication. Like others say, make sure you check with your BON first. I used TCN and wasn't terribly impressed but I wouldn't have done EC without enrolling with them and they are not necessary.

Good Luck

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
So some people don't like TCN but I did and my friend is happy with it also. Melissa GN

I don't dislike the materials -- I just dislike the price tag! And the fact that they add thousands to the bottom line for students who really can't afford to make things more expensive. I did use some TCN study guides during my EC journey -- NC1 and Micro -- and they weren't bad. However, I bought them used on eBay for about $30 each.

Specializes in LTC, OB/GYN.

I'm going thru EC too. Like lunahrn said, you can get them wayyyy cheaper at Ebay. I get my modules from amazon.com. just look for the Nursing concepts. they're almost the same thing as the current nursing courses. All you need to do is compare and match up the courses guides.that will save you some bucks.

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