ever heard of "quick results" being wrong?


hello all, well i took my NCLEX on Friday and it was crazy! I paid my 7.95 and found out yesterday through the Pearson Vue quick results that I passed!!! I was so excited , but yet still hesitant. They say they are unofficial and our director has said that there have been cases where the quick results have been wrong! :uhoh21: I had 75 questions, studied a good bit, did well in school, but after all that I just can't believe how difficult the test was. So anyone hear of the quick results being wrong? I have checked my Ohio BON and they are not up yet so I am still freaking out inside!

I wouldn't freak just yet...it would be interesting to see how others' post.

I am wagering that "quick results" are probalby required to say the results are unofficial b/c the only "official" results come from the BON.

Sort of like the horse that wins the Kentucky Derby...until he's checked for drugs, he's the "unofficial winner".

I sure hope they've never been wrong because I'm in the same situation as you. I took my boards Friday and found out yesterday online that I passed, but my license # isn't up on my state BON website yet. I've been having that same "what if they are wrong" feeling! I'm sure it's more that the BON websites just haven't updated yet since the weekend. That's what im telling myself at least ;)

Congrats on passing! :monkeydance:

well I have a license number! I am so happy!!!!! the anxiety is finally over:balloons::monkeydance:

Thank you and congrats to you too!!! We did it. Now on to the jobs!!! :jester:

I sure hope they've never been wrong because I'm in the same situation as you. I took my boards Friday and found out yesterday online that I passed, but my license # isn't up on my state BON website yet. I've been having that same "what if they are wrong" feeling! I'm sure it's more that the BON websites just haven't updated yet since the weekend. That's what im telling myself at least ;)

Congrats on passing! :monkeydance:

can anyone tell me , how to get the license number, what is the site address . i still have my quick result ony nothing else.

can anyone tell me , how to get the license number, what is the site address . i still have my quick result ony nothing else.

Try googling your state BON or you can call your state BON. My license number is still not posted on my state BON website so I called the BON and I was told that I do have a license number and it should be posted tomorrow.

They are NOT wrong- Congratulations and ENJOY!

Try googling your state BON or you can call your state BON. My license number is still not posted on my state BON website so I called the BON and I was told that I do have a license number and it should be posted tomorrow.

Thank you very much smf47

ill do that.

thank you very much smf47 , i ll go to BON and check .

thanks take care.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I remember feeling the same way when I heard my results because I called and received them two days earlier than I was advised to do so. I had thought that I had received another person's results and that I was not supposed to obtain the information ahead of time. I called Pearson and they told me that it was definitely my results; but I kept calling until the day I was supposed to just to be sure that there was no more change. You passed...don't worry.

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