Published Sep 19, 2005
216 Posts
In My State, Doc Wants The County Jails To Get Dna Samples From The Doc Inmates Since Many Are Housed In County Jail And Released From There. Well There Is A Situation Where A Person Can Have Two Different Sets Of Dna. It's Called Chimerism. One Way It Occurs Is In Utero, Where Two Clusters Of Cells That Started Out To Be Twins, Fuses Together To Become One, Very Early On. The Person Then Has One Set Of Dna In The Hair And Another Set In The Skin, Blood Or Organs. So I Think They Should Change The Way Dna Is Collected. Just Think Of How Many Criminals Got Away Because The Hair At The Crime Scene Didn't Match The Dna They Collected From A Blood Draw. I Always Thought Alot Of Things About Dna Were Screwy Anyway. Like They Will Obtain A Portion Of Dna From A Crime Scene And Use Pcr To Figure Out What The Rest Of The Sequense Should Be. The Doctor That Invented Pcr Was Tripping On The Lsd He Made In His Basement When He Discovered Pcr. He Even Admitted It. He Said The Lsd Made Him Smarter. So, It Wasn't Really A Discovery But An Invention. Also There Are Sperm Banks All Over. Can You Imagine How Many People Out There Share The Same Dna? It's Just As Stupid As The Voice Stress Test. There Was A Serial Killer In My State, A Male Nurse, Who Passed 3 Of Those Lie Detector Tests Before He Was Finally Caught. Geeze.
smk1, LPN
2,195 Posts
this was on discovery health called "I'm my own twin."
302 Posts
Um, I wouldn't worry about criminals getting away because of the DNA not matching, Chimerism is apparently very rare.
Suprisingly 1/10 people can pass a lie detector test, if you have good control over your emotions then you'll do very well, my brother is a discharged marine and he was taught how to, he told me what to do, and trust me it's probably not that hard to pass.
I agree with the voice stress test, I think it's stupid
I don't think people have the "same" DNA, everyone's DNA is different but there may be similarities in DNA, for instance, if you have a sister or brother, you have different DNA which is why you look differently.... and that comes from the sperm of one man (your dad), so I wasn't quite sure where you were going with that statement....
But yeah chimerism is crazy, two sets of DNA in one person, crazy.... and I always thought it was crazy that mitochondria in your cells could duplicate at will because they have their own DNA seperate from the body..... humans are amazing.
yes it was on the discovery channel, I had never heard of it. gotta have my discovery TV. lol. on the DNA, it was my understanding that family share the same DNA, not as in twins, ( same) poor choice of words on my part, but isn't that what they look for with organ donors, or for bone marrow transplants? any way, i was also under the impression that with more instances of testing they are discovering it occurs more frequently than they originally thought. the human body is an amazing machine. after i saw that program i got on the internet and found alot of information about it. it was news to me but old news in the scientific research circles. interesting stuff.:)
Um, I wouldn't worry about criminals getting away because of the DNA not matching, Chimerism is apparently very rare. Suprisingly 1/10 people can pass a lie detector test, if you have good control over your emotions then you'll do very well, my brother is a discharged marine and he was taught how to, he told me what to do, and trust me it's probably not that hard to pass.I agree with the voice stress test, I think it's stupidI don't think people have the "same" DNA, everyone's DNA is different but there may be similarities in DNA, for instance, if you have a sister or brother, you have different DNA which is why you look differently.... and that comes from the sperm of one man (your dad), so I wasn't quite sure where you were going with that statement....But yeah chimerism is crazy, two sets of DNA in one person, crazy.... and I always thought it was crazy that mitochondria in your cells could duplicate at will because they have their own DNA seperate from the body..... humans are amazing.~Crystal
I saw it on discovery too.
Organ transplants I think they look at blood type, not "DNA" but I may be wrong, that's why you can get organs from people you are not at all related to right? Yeah, I saw another show about a bicyclist you kept failing blood tests and he claims to say it's because of chimera, so maybe it is happening, well, being discovered in more people.
~ Crystal
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
Hello, nurseT,
There are, in fact, three types of chimerism. (1) Blood, or artificial, chimerism, occurs by the introduction of second cell line by, for instance, transfusion. (2) Transplacental chimerism occurs where individual cells transfer between siblings in the placenta(3) tetragametic chimerism is someone who has at least two different genotypes which each arose from an single zygote and eventually fused, when normally they would have developed separately as twins.
Chimeras can pass on either set of genes to their children and the children only have one set of genes in their blood.
It is in this 3rd instance that an individual can leave traces of one set of DNA at a crime scene and have the other set show up in testing.
6 Posts
Why do you capitalize every word?
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
Folks don't do that intentionally - I've heard varying explanations about why that happens to some posters - some say it happens when you copy and paste out of another program, others say certain software defaults to that for some reason.
921 Posts
The capitalization of every letter happens because of "chimerism."
8,343 Posts
CSI did a show on this. Good old Grisom figured it out in about 45 minutes
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Fascinating stuff . .. thanks. :)
Mirai Kangofu
125 Posts
Yeah, I've heard of it. It goes along with the fusion theory that some people think causes parasite twins.