Published Aug 3, 2005
19 Posts
does anyone have difficulties answering the eri questions? I find it harder to answer the eri nclex practice questions compare to other materials, such as the saunders or kaplans.
Is the real nclex questions similiar to the eri questions? I would be less worried if it wasnt =T
441 Posts
does anyone have difficulties answering the eri questions? I find it harder to answer the eri nclex practice questions compare to other materials, such as the saunders or kaplans. Is the real nclex questions similiar to the eri questions? I would be less worried if it wasnt =T
:) Hi, sualumni
i just reply to say Welcome to allnurses! :rotfl: I am pretty sure that someone will help you with that question.
:Melody: Bori
Jo Dirt
3,270 Posts
What does ERI mean? I've never seen ERI before!
You're making me nervous!
828 Posts
I think it's either the "new format" questions, fill-in-the-blank / select all that apply etc.........
or it's just another study method, like Kaplan, Saunders etc.......
Not sure
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong :)
317 Posts
ERI I believe is like Kaplan, Mosby etc. I don't know anything about them. If you go to the search engine on this website (Yellow bar above) type in "ERI" and if there has been any discussion about that topic it will pull up all the posts.
edit : educational resource inc. u can go to I think it is a different rn review course. My school always had us take a practice exam after each nursing course.
helpinghands, BSN, RN
131 Posts
ERI World was a part of NS for me. After each semester we had to take those tests and if we didn't get within a certain range you failed the entire semester, regardless of your other grades! ERI has caused me so much anxiety!
I am also familiar with Kaplan. I used the QT Trainer to study for NCLEX (passed last month) and found it to be the most similar. I thought that Kaplan was MUCH more difficult than the other ones. I also used Mosby's and NCLEX3000. NCLEX3000 is great and is my favorite. I used it all through school and it helped more than anything. It allows you to study very specific areas and work on your weaknesses. Good Luck
79 Posts
Our school does ERI testing to. Actually, I did very well on our ERI-PN assesment and didn't think it was awfuly bad. Some questions were difficult but I could throw out some of the answers. We also take an ERI exam after each semester.
I don't know if they're harder/easier than other review material because I haven't used any others.
Is the real nclex questions similiar to the eri questions? I would be less worried if it wasnt
We were told they are pretty close but I don't really know because I haven't taken my NCLEX yet.
The good thing about it is that it tells you things you need to work on and access to tutorial type things.
32 Posts
Our school does the ERI testing after each semester. The ERI also serves as our exit exam. You have to make the national average to graduate. From what the seniors in our class have told me, the ERI (exit exam) is much worse than NCLEX. They said that once they passed the ERI, state boards was not nearly as bad. So I wouldnt worry about ERI too much, especially if you are scoring at the national average. :)
114 Posts
I took the ERI nclex review course and I thought the questions were very difficult. Some of the rationales I just did not understand After the course I never used the book to study. I thought Saunders and Kaplan were much better to study because I was able to understand the rationales. In my opinion the NCLEX was in a world of its own. The questions seemed manageble, but the answers choices would throw me. :chuckle I think I answered maybe 2 or 3 correctly for sure the rest of the test I was really guessing. I passed on the first try . I know it is hard, but try to relax.
Thank you everyone for replying to my question! I feel a lot better knowing that other people had trouble with them. I don't think I will use the eri as a study guide for the nclex. I will just stick with the saunders and kaplan =)