Published Feb 12, 2004
231 Posts
Ok so here is this situation, and I can't imagine I am the only on in this boat so any advice would be good.
I was employed by a community hospital for 7 years as among various positions a tech and a secretary I worked there during my pregnancies, births and through nursing school. When it came time for my graduation there were no positions available in my department and it was suggested that I work outside the organization and get some expereince and come back with this expereince under my belt. This advice was given to me by my nurse manager and mentor. While I admit there have been some problems and I was written up once, which wasn't an event that was entirely my fault, I was given good reviews while employed there and was always the one to do what was expected of me even if it ment me coming in early, staying late switching my schedule around. I was good from a technical standpoint, fast learner and from what I understand well respected by the most of the staff and physicians. I admit that I wasn't always pleasant to work with, under a lot of stress and would come in in a bad mood sometimes, and for the most part I would keep to my self when I was like this, when talked to I would recognize it and work toward resolving the issues, I am also out spoken and probably said too much sometimes but when I left there didn't seem to be any hard feelings and I was even given a goingaway/grad party by my unit.
So here I stand ready to go back and on first attempt they asked that I have more experience. OK I can respect that. Now that I have reached that I reapplied and was told that I wasn't a good fit...ok why? So I contacted the director ands was told it was because of my "attitude problem" while I technically was more than qualified for the position that my old nurse manager felt that I would be a problem, d/t communitcation and attitude. Now, that hit me pretty hard. I feel that even though I wasn't always the greatest person to work with I still had a good relationship with most on my unit/shift. I have several nurses willing to back me up and one has gone so far as to mention my name several times to encourage them looking at me as a future member of the team. I also must say that most of this goes back a few years and while I was under stress d/t school and personal family issues that were going on at the time, both of which don't exist any longer, and I have been a good employee for my current employer and have gotten along well with most. I know that personalities will collide and you won't get along with everybody, but that goes without saying. I feel like they are holding a few instances against me and that overall I did get along with everybody. I was always a team player. There are a few that don't even work there or on my shift that ok, I understand we didn't work well together always but for the most part I was liked.
What would you all do, I am prepared to fight it, but I feel that it is a select few's opinions that are doing the damage. I am even willing to ask that they speak with the staff I would be working with to see their opinion on the matter and there is as always a three month probation. I really want to work there again, because I have always like the unit, the job and the people, not to mention that it is close (10 minutes vs 90minute drive to my current job) and more money.
My question is what do you all think would be a good way to fight this?
415 Posts
Why do you consider this discrimination? Are you in a protected group, i.e., race, age, disability, etc?
My guess is that your past employment history with this company has more to do with this than a matter of discrimination. I would suggest you just move on.
20,964 Posts
Unless there is more to your story, I don't think you have a case for discrimination. Were it me,I would move on and find a position somewhere else and make a fresh start. I don't think if people thought of me the way this manager seems to you, I would WANT TO WORK THERE. it would be MISERABLE.
My advice? (and I am no lawyer or anything like that)
You don't have a discrimination case on what I see here.
Best wishes. This may be just what you need.
Oh and Congratulations to you on graduating! :balloons:
705 Posts
In agree w/the other posts. First of all, there isn't any "discrimination", unless, like SmilingBlueEyes said, there is something else here.
Second, it sounds like the NM or Director already has a bias against you...believe me, you will not be able to get past that, even if you somehow did get re-hired. That bias will always be may have been a certain "group" on your previous unit did not like you....this obviously has been communicated to the NM, so even if some of them are gone, it doesn't really matter. The perception of you will be lingering. And it WOULD be miserable for you to go back and work there...having that hanging over your head! You don't need that.
And, I believe, if you try to "fight" this or push the issue, it will just create a worse situation. What do you think would happen if HR, in a sense, "forced" the NM to re-hire you...after she has already decided against it? Not would be "marked" from the start.
If you are determined to do this, the only thing I could suggest is to contact the NM personally, in a VERY non-aggressive manner, and try and re-assure her that whatever past issues you had are resolved, you are out of school, etc, etc. Say something like...I hope you will re-consider me as a potential staff member, or something like that.
Sometimes the grass looks greener, but in reality, it's not usually the way you picture it. Best bet, is to move on, start probably really will be the best thing yet, you know, everything happens for a reason....
Good Luck!
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
Agree with the advice provided.
Life's too short. Lots of places to work. This could present an opportunity for you.
Stay positive. Keep getting better. Don't drive while looking out the rear window -- forward!
Good luck!
You all are right in stating that it is not discrimination, bad choise of words, I just feel that it is a select and I mean select few that I had issues with and there is much more to the story than it seems. I guess they hold some grudge against me that it is more like they cannot foregive and forget and move on. True, I don't need it, but I still have many friends there all of which are kinda pushing the issue for my return. So this kinda let me feel that this would be something good. Like I said I do have a good thing going for me now, but I still can't help but missing a place where I truly felt at home, I knew people everywhere there had great relationships with many, and was for the most part treated quit well, with the exception of this little clique if you will, which just so happens to include my old NM, which has in turn stabbed me and quite a few others, in the back if you will, and lead us to believe that she liked us while ending up messing with us in the end. I guess part of it is to prove their perception of me wrong. Why so improtant to me, because at one time I held the utmost respect especially for her, who I felt was more like a grandmother to me, and was terribly let down. You all are right I don't need that kind of aggravation, I am well respected, or so I am lead to believe, where I am now, and enjoy my work. I guess a good way to put it is that like a child who has been scolded I want to prove that I am better than their perception, which isn't entirely right in that there was alot of decit and game playing going on behind my back, by the affor mentioned select few. I guess if you all can understand that would be where I am comming from. I am just frustrated. Especially by the fact why would I get several thank you cards, letters of recognition, great reviews which in turn gave me higher than the standard increases, several official thank yous from directors, staff and other members of the team all to be closed out like this? I just can't understand it.
204 Posts
Acuteobrn, I agree with the other posts - I think you should cut your losses and head in different direction. It can be very difficult to change other's perceptions of you once they've formed their opinions, as unfair as that may be. Are their other facilities in your area that you'd consider working at? 90 minutes is a long drive! Good luck to you :)
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I have to agree with the other posters - move on. For your own peace of mind. Sometimes its worth it to start over because you start with a clean slate...good luck.
BadBird, BSN, RN
1,126 Posts
I think you should move on to another facility, put that behind you, learn and grow from it but don't let it eat you up. You say that you have a lot of friends there, ask them if you can list them for references and move on. It doesn't matter how many like you if one person in management doesn't then it doesn't matter. Unless you are a union employee you are considered "at will" so there is nothing to fight, management always wins and you are out. I have to wonder, WHY would you want to work for a manager that obviously doesn't want you? I really think a fresh start is what is needed. Good luck to you.
heart queen
206 Posts
okay, let's go crazy, have you considered contacting your previous nurse manager, stating that you are aware that he/she isn't recommending you for a position. You wish to discuss his/her areas of concern. Due to the fact that you have had satisfactory reviews, you would naturally use her/him as a reference. What are the barriers that he/she precieves from recommending you for future positions, and what does he/she recommend that you focus on as an area for growth.
Yep, it is management speak, but if you are truly unaware as to why there are barriers being placed for your hire, you need to know WHY there are barriers to a good reference, even more important. It's very hard to look in the proverbial mirror and have others tell us where we come up short.
Perhaps this can open up a discussion, heal old wounds and let both of you move on. With a recommendation for you in place. Good luck
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
This could be a blessing in disguise. Nurses encounter stress a lot, and you state in the past you have reacted negatively when stressed. Now that you are aware, seek counseling on how to deal with future stress (which is bound to occur). If you learn to deal with it positively you may find it occurs less often (such as not getting fired or losing a friendship, etc.). And just think how much healthier you will be!! A new job will be a new start, without carrying the baggage of how you "used to be". For all they know, your new co-workers will believe you have always been able to handle stressful situations appropriately. Good luck.