Hi there! I'm coming out of lurkdom again. :)
I got my acceptance letter to Emory over the holidays. I'm very excited about attending Fall 2006!
I have two pre-reqs left to complete and I'm a bit worried that I might be in a pickle. Here's the deal:
I've been re-taking some pre-reqs at Georgia Perimeter that were too old to qualify for the program. I retook A&P II last spring and Micro this past fall semester. For Emory, I need to take, according to their website, General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II (with an organic component). They had said at the open house that a nutrition class I had might qualify for the Chem II, but it looks like it didn't.
My first question to anyone who might know is: Does Survey of Chemistry II qualify for the "General Chemistry II (with an organic component)" requirement?
Supposing it does, I can register for Survey of Chemistry I at GPC for the spring semester. However, I don't think Survey of Chemistry II is offered in the summer at GPC, which leaves me in a bit of a bind. Anyone think they would let me take Chem I and II concurrently since I have 3 higher level sciences than Chem I and 3 higher level math classes than the pre-req for Chem I? Or, does anyone think I can take Survey of Chem I at GPC and then Survey of Chem II at GA State as a transient student in the summer? (The GPC and GA State Survey of Chem classes seem almost identical.)
Ok, enough rambling....just having a bit of a panic attack here. Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions/etc.!