Nursing Students School Programs


So I decided to start a thread for the Fall 2017. Any current/prospective student on here? What GPA did you have when you applied and how competitive is the selection process? If you don't mind sharing your work experience and GRE score, that will be awesome. For those who are enrolled, do you mind sharing your experience?

Thank you for the helpful advice, really. I'd love to chat more with you about your background, as I'm feeling like I'm in a similar boat (weaker stats - not much of a medical background). Are you free to email?

Accepted at and Boston College and most likely going to Vandy for FNP. Good luck y'all! Hope once I submit my official paperwork one of you can get my spot!

I've decided to defer my acceptance. Hopefully that opens up one of the slots for you guys! Best of luck, really hoping the admissions process works out for everyone.


does anyone know why the nursing program is so expensive in emory? emory is a great school but it's not like everyone have rich daddies to pay for their tuition. being in debt for THAT MUCH for a nursing degree seems mind-boggling. emory, what? are? you? thinking? do employers magically pay emory graduates more? i feel like there has to be a reason. that, or the nursing students there are either on scholarship or come from wealthy families :/

I sought the advice of someone who has been in the medical field for years, and they said that employers like hospitals and doctor's offices don't care so much about the NAME of the school you went to (they don't care if you went ivy league or a smaller university), they care about how much clinical experience you got while in and out of school. So opting for cheaper options for school over a more well-known (and more expensive) university is the wiser route

So the cost was a bit much for me. I took in state (UNC-Chapel Hill) instead. Entire ABSN program is less than 20K

aboyd4580, feel free to PM me and I'll give you my e-mail. :)

is anyone actually going to this school that didn't receive any merit scholarships? and are taking out loans (not expecting anyone to pay for your education but YOU)? i'm not counting that $3k grant (which is nothing compared to the overall tuition). i'd like to get some thoughts on why you think despite the overall burden in debt, emory is still "the place to be"? really at a loss for words because as much as i would reeeeally love to go here, i have a hard time getting rid of this guilt of taking out this much money and suffering under the burden of debt for 10+ years? i'd like to get a car, a house, go on vacation, save money, have a life, thanks...

would it be better to get my BSN elsewhere and go back to emory for their NP/mid-wife program?

I'm both amazed but not surprised (if that makes sense) at how many people are declining their invitation to Emory due to tuition costs. People my age were so quick to take out loans to pay for school, and now we're all (or most of us) are still paying off the debt. I'm glad to see younger generations being much more wise about loans. Maybe this will lead to universities lowering their costs. Wishful thinking?

I accepted my spot and paid the deposit, but I am having a rethink. I just don't want to be in so much debt. Program cost is 180K excluding room and board. Let's say I take out 140K in private loans, That will be about 11K interest per year. Like how on earth will I pay 1K interest every month? I already have loans. The math is not working out.... Anyone confused like I am?

i want to go to emory, it was my first choice, but i'm also not sure about the cost, specially for the BSN portion. i could get an ABSN locally for 12,000 but i would have to apply and wait another year and then reapply to emory or somewhere else for the NP portion. the difference is staggering, and the thought of being 180K in debt, or spending the next three years frantically looking for scholarships to help reduce that cost while also studying, is frightening and making me consider deferring things.

I'm on the same boat- paid my deposit but having second thoughts. My worst nightmare is failing out of the program with the horrendous amount of loans still left with me. Although it may sound far-fetched and extremely pessimistic, I think this is a very possible scenario for me, considering how accelerated their entire ABSN+MSN curriculum is... I called them and asked if it'd be possible to defer enrollment, and they told me that they can only defer my "application" and not my "enrollment." Basically, they will throw your application into the next cycle and you would have to compete against a brand new pool of applicants again. I asked if it's going to be possible to opt out of just the MSN portion if I ever end up changing my mind about it in the middle of my ABSN program, and they said that they "would not recommend that," since that means I would have taken up a spot of a rejected applicant who WOULD have been willing to go through the entire ABSN+MSN. I then asked if it'd be possible to just give up the MSN portion completely and join the ABSN cohort which begins in fall semester. They said I can't do that either. *sigh* It sucks because I've been rejected from all other entry-level MSN programs so far, and Emory's the only one that I got into....I'm waiting to hear back from one more school that is much cheaper (and closer!) than Emory. But honestly, after all these rejections, I'm not counting on it...I'm also considering giving up on going to a school this year altogether and applying again next year.

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