I work at an ALF and was told by DON not to document that one of our dementia tenants snuck out the front door. Tenant was wearing a wanderguard, however it did not make the facility alarms go off. Elopement policy states to document the incident completely, however this policy is for the nursing home attached to the Assisted Living Faciltiy. Are Assited Living policies different, since it is more independent? I do not know what to do. I feel the situation should be documented, as this person is not allowed outside the facility alone, and this is not the first escape. I also fear that sometime the tenant may get out and not be found. There will be nothing to support the fact that she has escaped many times if it goes undocumented. However, there is a risk of upseting the DON, and a loss of a job I love if I do not follow DON orders. I would like to talk to her superior about the situation, but all nurses were told we were not allowed to take issues to the superior??? What should we do??