El Centro Spring 2018 Nursing Program Hopefules

U.S.A. Texas


Hello Nursing hopefules!

I will be applying for the El Centro Nursing Progam for spring 2018. I wanted to know if anyone else is working on their applications and how far along. Here to provide and receive support and help. I currently have 26 points without the HESI. I was only missing 3 points from the RN-BSN courses. I have taken the HESI 2 times before and there would always be one subject (grammar) that held me back from submitting my application. I did not take the HESI seriously and never studied for the test. This time is different. I have been studying my head off for 2 weeks now. Taking the HESI for the third and final time Feb 11. Hopefully I get to meet some future el Centro students here and start our journey together!

Best of luck to all!!!!

I declare in the name of Jesus and our Creator that all our hard work and efforts will pay off! He who believes shall get their hearts desires! I pray for all of you and for myself and I hope we can all make it to the finish line together with the help of God! He makes everything possible!

Amen!! í ½í¹Œ

Has anyone received a letter yet? I'm dying here with this anxiety! I wonder when the school officially mails them out?

I haven't yet. I just know the notification deadline is October 15th. I don't know if that is when we should have it by or that is when they will mail out.....either why I am super anxious! í ½í¸µ

They get mailed out on the 15th (which is a Sunday so I'm not sure how that works) We should hear something next week. Good luck everyone!!

I am with you! I am (im)patiently waiting to hear back. :-/

The packet says we will receive the notification letters BY THE 15 not after. Wish they were a little more clear on that!

Agreed...I called last week to get clarification and they said mailed. As if waiting since July wasn't long enough í ½í¸•

I guess that all we can do is wait...

I actually wasn't very anxious about waiting for my acceptance/denial letter until reading through these comments. LOL! Now I am starting to get nervous. Thanks, guys. LOL!!!

I almost thought about calling them to see if they could let me know my acceptance status verbally but I didn't think that request would go very far. I read on a previous post that an El Centro applicant from a couple of years ago found out about her acceptance status before receiving her letter. I'm not sure how that happened but I'm sure she appreciated it. HAHAHA!

Ughhh well good luck to all!!!!

I have been checking my mailbox like crazy í ½í¸‚í ¾í´£

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