EEK! There's a woman in my room!


Since the "man in my room" thread got closed, I thought I would try a different track. I want to focus on something a little different. :idea:

We know the emotional responses we got to the idea of men providing intimate care of women. What I want to discuss is the issues affecting the intimate care of men by women.

If any of you have read my prior posts on this subject, you are aware of my own difficulties with opposite sex care. To recap, my own experience involved a sexually abusive situation. I am male, and when I was in the hospital as a teenager, the female nurse decided that I needed a bed bath. So that is what she proceeded to do. And much to my embarrassment, I got an erection during said bath. I wasn't aroused, it just happened. As any guy can tell you, we just don't have direct control over that function. This nurse decided she had the "cure" and proceeded to strike me in the scrotum. A lot of damage was done, physically and emotionally. One testicle healed in way that would not allow me to father children (antibodies). I'm skipping over a lot of detail in the interest of brevity, but that's what happened. :imbar

I have heard over the years many comments as to a female nurse's reaction to the male erection. A number of times I have heard reference to causing a pain stimulus to stop the erection from occurring. The stimulus usually involved striking the genitalia with an object or by using the middle finger to "thump" or "flick" either the member or a testicle. I have heard several members of the military tell me this was done to them when they were hospitalized while in service, sometimes while recovering from combat wounds. In my situation, it could be that this nurse didn't get the desired result from just using the middle finger, so she resorted to something more forceful. :eek:

My questions to you all is this. How widespread is this? How many of you learned to do that in school? Maybe learned it after school? Have any of you ever done it to your male patients? Ever hear other nurses talk about it?

I'm not trolling and I'm not joking. It happened to me and others that I know of. It would be nice to get enough information together to come up with an article for a major nursing publication. That would bring the issue to the forefront and maybe launch an initiative to stop this brutal practice. Men treated this way could easily be your father, husband, son, brother, other family member, significant other, best friend, neighbor, or coworker.

One other thing. Given the overwhelming presence of women in nursing, male patients are often expected to just accept intimate care from women nurses without complaint. Often times there may be no other choice. But other times there are. It appears to me that female nurses (and other medical staff) have such unlimited access to male patients that they practically take it for granted. Many of the rules in place defining or limiting what male providers can do to female patients often don't apply to females in the care of men. I realize it varies among different facilities, and I have read on this forum that there are some men doing intimate procedures on female patients. However, I suspect the majority of facilities do put some kind of limit on what the men can do. Gender bias results when members of one sex are held to rules that the other sex is exempt from. The outcome of the bias is an imbalance where it is difficult for the female providers to effectively empathize with the male patients. That results the females taking an almost lackadaisical, casual, or blase' view of the modesty and privacy needs of male patients. For me it has been an uphill battle many times when receiving care just to get them to close doors or curtains, or provide draping. It's not the men I have this problem with, it's mostly women. To me treating a patient with respect and privacy specifically means covering my exposed body for comfort. To deprive me of that is to deny their obligations. I want female medical personnel to value my privacy as much as they value their own.

Having gone through infertility treatments with my wife and have stood next to her as she received care and I have noticed that privacy is never an issue. During breast exams only one side was exposed at a time. I have endured several exams where I was instructed to strip down to just underwear and wait for the doc. When the doc enters the room there is a moment where anybody outside can see past the doc. When the doc gets to the genital exam you have to lower the shorts to midthigh so you are essentially naked, and then have to bend over the table for the digital. I know men who have had this done by female docs. Absolutely cruel. At least I have only had male docs for this. I have had my share of ER visits over the years, GSW, plane crash, fire/smoke injuries, etc. Every time I have had to battle for my privacy/dignity/decency. When you are hurt that's the last thing you should have to worry about.

Any other men here experience this? Your thoughts on this ladies?

I have nothing against women. I find myself in agreement with many women here when it comes to personal care. Please don't think I'm on a tirade. If we can get some constructive dialog going maybe we can learn and do better for others.

Let's keep it nice so the mods don't close the thread. :wink2:

As for the OP, I've never heard of this, and have never been taught such a thing. It's despicable. How long ago was this? If a man has an erection during basic care, I don't make any sort of deal out of it. I, and every nurse I know, understands this is as mainly just a reflex and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with arousal.

I do agree, that when I'm taking care of a male patient that I encourage him to do as much cleaning of himself as possible. But I do the same for females as well. It's a matter of offering as much privacy as possible. It's the same with exposing the patient only as much as necessary to get done what needs to be done, that includes giving an IM injection.

For me it was 1973. A friend of mine who was wounded during Desert Storm had it happen to him in 1992. Another military veteran, wounded in Iraq, told me he was threatened with it in 2004 in a stateside hospital.

It's really hard to quantify this since it's not exactly the kind of thing guys just bring up in conversation. If it comes up at all it's usually incidental to some other subject.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

As a female I have cared for males who have gotten an erection while being bathed, cathed, long as nothing was being said that was of a sexual nature by the patient then I totally ignored the erection (they were proably embarrassed as well) and kept on with what I was doing. I cannot imagine inflicting pain in the region. "First Do No Harm". I have had a few male patients who thought they were impressing me and/or were making sexual comments. I walked away telling them they were totally out of line and I'd send a male/someone else to finish the job.

Specializes in ER.

After thinking about this for a minute, I want to share that I would be FURIOUS if my son was treated that way, and there would be a come-to-jesus meeting between me and the nurse and her supervisor. It would be important enough that I would go up the chain of command if they weren't receptive too.

If I witnessed someone doing that to a patient, I would express shock in front of the patient, to let them know not all nurses would be foolish enough to do such a thing(yeah, I know not many would agree with speaking in front of the patient, but I would- if a patient was slapped in front of me I'd do the same thing.) I'd report the nurse to my supervisor, as well.

Even if someone comes up with proof that this works to deflate an erection, it's abusive. Better to just leave and come back later, and let the man have a little dignity in the situation. IRL I usually comment that the body has a mind of it's own sometimes, and depending on the procedure, and the man's reaction, quickly finish up, or come back later.

58flyer- think about how you would react if a woman got her period unexpectedly and you noticed. Probably feel a little sorry she had to deal with an unpleasant situation. You'd give her some time to get herself together, and then move on with life right? Same difference- anyone with compassion would just take it in stride.

I was 15 boy when I was in ICU and being taken care of in all ways by women nurses, and I was a bit shy. But now I could walk down main street USA in the nude and I don't care who sees me. The only problem I have is if they don't want to they should not have too, and that is their right, so I don't. (Besides it's too cold, or I don't want a sun burn). And for medical care I just want to be taken good care of. However, I try to take care of everyone like they are a shy 15 year old, because I remember how that felt.

As for the pain infliction to decrease an erection I have heard of that for years and years. I never did it as I did not see how it interfered with what I was doing, just cleaned and went on. Yes, I am a male and have had male patients ( yes more than one) get erections when I was caring for them, it is what it is, just a member, and they do what they do. If you have ever had a baby boy you know this to be so, they don't have sexual thoughts, but they do get erections.

Now in regards to the men not being modest, I have told my wife if I am ever in any kind of accident or need to be hospitalized, everyone I work with is family and can have access to all of my records and are free to do any exam they wish. HIPPA be damed! I work with some of the best nurses and MD's in the world and would never want them shut out of my care. And if all they really wanted was a peak, or are just curious, I'd still want them to come in and be happy, they are my friends after all. The IRS can check my records any time my pay is available on the county's' web site, I just try to live a true and honest life anything I have is open for review. I will keep your secret and protect your privacy till I die, but my life is an open book.


generally speaking, i don't think men are very modest.

otherwise, how could so many, pee outside?

or pee in a urinal, in a line, w/a bunch of other guys?

So if you want to see me pee just ask, but if you want to give me a couple of beers first that would be nice.

58Flyer--a question for you--I'm not trying to be argumentative but I don't understand why a digital rectal exam on a male by a female physician is cruel, as you stated. Many of us have had pelvic exams and rectal exams by male physicians and it just doesn't matter to me. At least for me, a doc is a doc as long as they are providing good care.

Just my 2 cents.

I am not speaking of the exam itself but the manner in which it is performed. The manner I was speaking of is where the exam is done with the male pt bending over an exam table stark naked. That's cruel. No matter who is doing it. All patients should be draped throughout the entire course of the exam regardless of the sex of the practitioner. I am sure you would found that pelvic exam to have been much more uncomfortable had your doc removed the gown/sheet and thrown it aside.

Specializes in rehab-med/surg-ICU-ER-cath lab.

For our rehab. rotation in nursing school we were assigned to the same patient for 3 weeks. My pateint was a C4/5 Quad. Every time I gave that man a bedbath he eventualy had a full erection. As I was a bit older student, I asked if he minded me talking about this issue - the lack of sensation yet autonomic response of the erection. I learn so much about the sexual lifes of those with spinal cord injuries. So let's think this man is a QUAD!! and he still autonomically stimulated to full erection during a bedbath never mind a heathly testoterone filled young 15 or 16 y/o young man. I have seen young woman with head injuries strip down in their beds and masturbate for all that were interested. We should realize the lack of physical controll in almost all of these situation and provide the patient with dignity and privacy.

58flyer- think about how you would react if a woman got her period unexpectedly and you noticed. Probably feel a little sorry she had to deal with an unpleasant situation. You'd give her some time to get herself together, and then move on with life right? Same difference- anyone with compassion would just take it in stride.

You made me think of a case I had way back, A woman was in a rollover MVA and there was blood everywhere head to toe and she was so embarrassed about being on her period and getting blood on the sheets from it, especially in front of a male. I truly felt horrible for her and after she was stabilized I made sure only females were there to clean her up.

So, I am for doing what is best for the patient and meeting their needs and if the staff has to go out of their way to help a patient that is the way it should be. Jeff

Specializes in Operating Room.

A few months back, I had young male patient(late teens, early 20's) who had an erection just before he was anesthetized. Poor kid, he was mortified(blushed about a million shades of red!) and the idea that some instructors encouraged striking of a patient is HORRIBLE. Unfortunately, not all nurses are emotionally mature and take the male erection personally. I'm sorry that nurse assaulted you in this way...I would have sued the wench.

If you do that to some one 16 wont it be considered as child abuse??

Its an awefull thing to do.

Yes, that would be child abuse under the present laws of my state.

i have to disagree with this.

regardless of what gender i care for, i am always (always, always) hypervigilant on protecting the dignity of my pts.

if a nurse leaves a male pt exposed for a moment too long, i assure you, she will be just as insensitive towards her female pts.


Thanks, I am impressed that you care that much about your patients. If I am ever in a situation where I cannot care for myself, I only hope someone like you is around. I may have spoken too broadly as I am sure there are many good female nurses around who have genuine respect for their male patients. Much of my opinion comes from my own experiences and witnessing the experiences of other men.

Specializes in med-surg.

How horrible!

This is what I have been taught and what I have gained through experience in nursing school with BOTH GENDERS:

1) If capable, allow them to do it themselves. Rinse and wring the cloth and step away with your back turned (even leave the room for a minute or two). Leave a towel for drying.

2) Bathing is a very intimate thing. Spouses (especially wives) are more than happy to do this for thier loved one. Many times, we have shared this task and I have used the opportunity to teach the spouse about s/s of decubitus ulcers and ROM. I turn the client toward me and face a wall to allow the SO to get the behind and then allow them the privacy to get the front after changing the water per number 1.

3) If the spouse is unable to assist and the client is fine with the SO remaining, I do everything to preserve the person's dignity and perform the bath in front of the SO. I encourage conversation and not to mind me. With women, I have this down to an art where they are not even exposed. Working on the skill with men since I have so little exposure--usually options 1 or 2 get the job done.

4) If a gentleman is resistant to me bathing him, I trade with one of my fellow male nursing students who usually has a lady that is not interested in being bathed by a guy. We kind of pair together for the day so that we each take care of our assigned clients, but the clients are happier knowing that a member of the same sex will be available for intimate functions.

5) When all of the above measures fail and I bathe a client and he gets an erection, it is not important. I engage them in conversation from the beginning of the bath and the personals are just another part. I pay no attention to the erection and keep talking like everything is normal. Most men are appreciative of my not paying attention to a perfectly normal physiological response. One man I cared for talked about how good it felt and suggested I perform a certain act. I simply wrung out the washcloth and told him that if he was up for that, then he was most certainly capable of cleaning himself AND be OOB before lunch! ;)

Striking someone or making comments or making someone feel dirty is just inappropriate. I am so sorry that someone did what they did to you.

Specializes in med-surg.
I had a nurse do that to me when I was younger, and I know 2 of my friends from school have too. I think it was taught to nurses in the "old days". Yeah, it hurts. Hurts your genitals, and your dignity. I don't think anyone would do it in this day and age. It would be a lawsuit now, as maybe it should be. . . if they were smacking women around like that you can bet there would be a lawsuit.

I'm a woman and I think that there should have been a lawsuit!!! Absolutely disgraceful!!!!!

No one should endure such a thing! Ever!

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