Edison State College 2014

U.S.A. Florida


Hello! Is anyone applying for Edison(Lee campus) for fall of next year? I plan on applying in the spring for the evening program. I'm also in the process of finishing my last pre reqs and studying for the Hesi. I know the evening program is about 5 semesters but does anyone know if its shorter when all pre reqs are completed? So far I've gotten all A's in them. Thanks in advance

Hello, I also took the Hesi test today. 4 weeks is going to be a long wait. I am looking into retaking the test in 2 months. Good luck

I honestly don't know of anyone with less than 85 get into lee campus. I believe 85-90 range is good but I talked to the director there is actually no cut off number it depends how smart ppl are that semester. But with 80 points you will definately get accepted but maybe not lee campus. I have the same struggle it is hard to get all As ya know but you will accepted into the program it's better than not getting accepted at all.

After I posted this I ended up going to the school and dropping off my application. Hopefully I get in. If not there's always the next go around. Did you apply as well? Even though they say there're no cut off there actually is. A couple people were in the office and they were discussing points and 87 seems to be the magic number. People from other states and other Florida counties have even applied which makes me even more nervous. We'll see how it goes.

Buena suerte everyone who applied!

Thank you ? good luck to you as well! Is Lee your only option?

Thank you! No I put down Lee nights as #1, days #2, and Charlotte as #3. I did see on another thread that someone got into Charlotte with a 74 so I'm a bit encouraged. We shall see

After I posted this I ended up going to the school and dropping off my application. Hopefully I get in. If not there's always the next go around. Did you apply as well? Even though they say there're no cut off there actually is. A couple people were in the office and they were discussing points and 87 seems to be the magic number. People from other states and other Florida counties have even applied which makes me even more nervous. We'll see how it goes.

Buena suerte everyone who applied!

Well that's old to know I figure there had to be a specific number. No matter what college you go to there will always be out of state and county people applying you should see the competition for Miami dade college and a few others that have long waiting lists luckily edison had 3 campuses so they don't need a waiting list everyone is split into different locations not saturated at 1 campus location. Yes I want to apply to the lee campus but I didn't get to retake the hesi in time so ill just have to apply next time. I do know that you will get accepted. Thanks good luck to you too.

Looks like we all took it on the same day. I got an 88 on it with a total score of 80. This is another active thread on the topic https://allnurses.com/florida-nursing/edison-state-college-847661-page10.html#post7921277

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

duplicate threads merged as per the terms of Service

Specializes in Emergency Room.
After I posted this I ended up going to the school and dropping off my application. Hopefully I get in. If not there's always the next go around. Did you apply as well? Even though they say there're no cut off there actually is. A couple people were in the office and they were discussing points and 87 seems to be the magic number. People from other states and other Florida counties have even applied which makes me even more nervous. We'll see how it goes.

Buena suerte everyone who applied!

I think I saw you there. I heard them talking too and it w. Doesn't give me much hope either bc I'm applying with less than an 87. Oh well there's not much we can do now. All you can do is pray and wait. I hope everyone here gets in. Best of luck to you all! If you do get in come back and let us know :D

I got 88 as well applied with a total of 82 points

Hi everyone! I applied with 97 points. My first choice is Lee day. I wonder when we will hear back. In regards to the point system, there is no set number. It changes every semester based on the applicants. I remember when I was at orientation in 2013 they said points to get in Lee for the summer were 85 based on the people that applied that cycle. Don't give up hope yet.

Im applying with 94 points to the Charlotte campus for the day program, from what I remember 85 was the average points from lee and collier campus and 81 or so to the Charlotte campus. Does anyone know the timeline on when we are going to hear back?

The nursing advisers at the collier campus told me that they will be reviewing the applications in June and we should hear back at the end of June.

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