Published Aug 6, 2008
227 Posts
I found out yesterday that I received a $1300 scholarship from EC! Now I can finally apply for my cpne! The only problem is my disbursement date is not until September 23rd.!
Has anyone else received these before?Can the money be released before that date.I have been eligable for the cpne since July 21st. I really want to apply asap and don't want to have to wait almost 2 months:bluecry1:! Thanks in advance!
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I can't answer your questions, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! What lovely news!!! :)
1,845 Posts
Wonderful news about the scholarship! If I were you I would get on the CPNE payment plan. You have to pay a down payment of $600(You gotta pay that anyway) and it will get you on the list. Then when your scholarship comes in, pay the rest with your scholarship money.
Well,That is what I wanted to do,but I'm also being hit up for the $440 annual fee next month,between the two I am still short a grand:crying2:But,I am still jumping for joy over the scholarship!:DSo I will just have to be creative and come up with rest!
I was under the impression that if you are waiting on your CPNE date, that you can have the annual fee waived until you graduate. Call EC to get clarification on it all.
I just called,I still have to 2 gen eds to complete,and info lit.So now I can't have it waived unless I complete all 10 credits and apply for the cpne before Sept.25.
Not going to happen!LOL
It is just frustrating because my poor hubby has been working 7 days a week and I just want to get done so he doesn't have to work so hard!
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
i was coming here to ask this very question... i got my annual service fee statement and called ec. the bursar acted like it was no big deal "yeah your waiting on a cpne date so ill send you to the voice mail where you can leave a message so they can defer the cost" that is what i did... however, the voice mail says you have to have a date and a letter from your adviser before they will defer the i still left my info and will we see...
i was under the impression that if you are waiting on your cpne date, that you can have the annual fee waived until you graduate. call ec to get clarification on it all.
when i got a scholarship it was posted directly to my account and i was notified by email....but mine paid for 3 test...helped alot
akanini, MSN, RN
1,525 Posts
Congratulations on your scholarship!!! Every penny counts nowadays. How did you get it? Did you fill out the FAFSA and then just apply?
I just filled out the FAFSA, they take care of the rest!
I just kept checking my Financial Aid page and saw it in there!
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts