Eastern State Hospital

Nurses General Nursing


anyone work there?

I'm trying to get some info on if it's a good place to work as an RN,

pay, benefits, etc.


I'm an MHA (nurse aide) at ESH. I don't know the exact number, but I know RNs make less $ there than they do at other hospitals.

I can tell you that I love working there though! The vast majority of the staff is very friendly, helpful and interested in their job. The patients are VERY interesting (of course) and it's rarely boring. I can't really think of anything negative to say about most of the people there.

I would try to avoid a permanent position on Gragg 1. That negative atmosphere of that unit will suck the life right out of you... All of the other units are great though. :)

Specializes in Case management, occupational health.

I was a student there on Wendel 4, I really liked it and looked into working there, the pay is really bad, almost like CMA pay.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

What about benefits? What is your insurance like working there?

I currently work at The Ridge and hate it. Good pay and really good health insurance are what keep

me here. I would probably accept a little less pay but I can't accept a lousy insurance policy that probaby

costs me more than what I'm paying for this one.

Benefits are good. My health and dental insurance are about $15 and $6 per pay period. As to the quality, I'm not really sure because I haven't been sick lately. I remember the deductible being high, but it paid for a large % of everything afterward.

You earn something like 3.4 hours of sick time per pay period. Vacation is similar but you can't use it for 6 months. Over all I'm very happy with my benefits.

I know people who've worked at the Ridge and ESH and they say they prefer ESH. But then again, if they didn't they'd probably be at the Ridge and not at ESH talking to me! :) I definitely find the older population to be calmer than the 18 year olds.

As to pay... I know new grad nurses make low-mid $20's per hour. I don't know about LPNs or experienced nurses. MHAs make $10 days and $11.50 nights. Raises haven't been given in years.

Disclaimer here... I know I've stated in other posts that I love ESH, well, things are changing. As of this summer night shift staffing has been TERRIBLE, census has been sky high and morale is very low. A lot of us basically feel like the administration is punishing us for being unable to accomplish the impossible. I personally don't feel like I'm doing anything therapeutic so much as keeping the place barely presentable and teetering on the edge of sort of terrible chaos. All of this could be normal for hospitals in this economy and not just ESH though. I think it probably is, because I used to adore this job.

It's god awful! You can do better than that. The place is filthy and poorly run.You risk your liscence working there

By the way, I have no problem with the Ridge, in my years working there, I felt supported and like I belonged to a team

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Been a while since I posted in this forum. =) I actually work at Eastern State now, for Nurse's Registry. Been there for about six months. It is... "thoroughly OK". I don't mind the work much at all as long as I can stay off of Gragg 2 and Gragg 3. Gragg 1 is actually my favorite unit. The age of the place really doesn't bother me as I adore old buildings, and the place isn't as dirty as I expected it to be, believe it or not.

Most people either love or hate the place. I like it OK. Like I said, I'm only agency though. Looking at a full time job with a home health agency, currently.

A lot of us basically feel like the administration is punishing us for being unable to accomplish the impossible. I personally don't feel like I'm doing anything therapeutic so much as keeping the place barely presentable and teetering on the edge of sort of terrible chaos. All of this could be normal for hospitals in this economy and not just ESH though. I think it probably is, because I used to adore this job.

That sounds like my job at an LTC working nights!

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