We see them every once in awhile - at least on our floor. The older pts who have multiple things going against them, yet either them (if they are A&O) or their family still wants to be a full code. Their choice, no problem.
But since I haven't been in any code experience yet, I was wondering how it is handled when these pts finally code, or get to the point where us health professionals know the end is coming.
I'm asking, as there's a pt who has been on our floor about a month now - He's in his 70s, has a Hx of cancer, which was treated/organ was removed, now has cancer mets in at least 2 other part of the body - also is in CHF (last BNP I remember was nearly 3500), respiratory issues (doesn't help him he is about 350lb), bed ridden, incontinent, kidneys are failing, has had multiple paracentesis, swallowing issues so he's also on tube feedings.. Poor man is a mess. He's very nice and friendly, A&O, but as his choice he's still a full code. Someone brought hospice in, but I don't think he's ready for that yet. I think his family is finally starting to come to terms with exactly what's going on.
But with a patient like that, if he did start having issues not sustainable to life and we called a blue or rapid response, how exaclty would it be handled?