Duke ABSN 2012

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hey everyone!

I was wondering if there was anyone out there applying to Duke's ABSN program for the spring or fall class in 2012. I'm going to apply, but can't decide if I should apply for the spring or the fall. If I apply for the Spring class- I will still have 3 prereqs to finish (micro, soc, and stat) which I can finish before the program starts. Is it crazy to apply to Duke with 3 outstanding prereqs? Should I wait until December and apply for Fall 2012 instead? At that time I will be currently taking the last of the prereqs. Any advice would be helpful! Especially if there's anyone who has gotten into Duke with 3 prereqs to go...

How did interviews go for people today? Hope all went well and good luck to those interviewing on Monday and next Friday!

It was an awesome day! Interviews were not bad... no tricky questions. My interviewer was super nice and easy to talk to. They are more or less asking you the same questions you answered in your personal statement. The group interview is not bad, don't be worried. They did ask us not to talk about it, but I will tell you it's not bad. The rest of the day is really about what to expect next and financial aid stuff. *Spoiler Alert* Here was the surprising thing, which I will now ruin for you: When they send out decisions, you will know something either way. You will either be accepted or moved to second round, but either way, they will tell you. Now the fun part... decisions will be sent the week of Aug 10th!!! Holy Cow, that is so much faster than I thought! Financial Aid offers will be around Aug 22 for those accepted. Good luck to all of you with interviews next week! It was really great to meet so many people, and a few from these forums. :)

Thanks Owlune! Good to hear that all went well!

Can anyone who has already interviewed tell me what you wore and if you went outside at all during the day? I think I'm going to wear a suit (skirt and jacket) and heels but I wanted to see what kind of activities would be happening throughout the day (inside/outside, sitting/standing). Thanks!

I wore a suit- skirt and jacket. I felt completely comfortable with what I chose, because most people wore a suit. Also in the afternoon I took my jacket off for the rest of the day, and so did everyone who wore a suit. If you don't want to wear a suit, I would say a skirt and blouse would be fine, too. The only time you will have to go outside is if you want to take the tour at the end of the day. You won't want your jacket on that is for sure!! Good luck tomorrow! Oh- and not everyone wore heels, some people put on flats/flip flops for the tour.

Great. Thanks lavigs!

Everything went really well today... interviews were laid back and not scary at all. They don't make it seem like the interview has a huge weight in the decisions process...instead they let you know that most of the decision has already been made and the interview is sort of a deciding factor for some people. Sort of confusing. Also the financial aid portion really scared me! 100K total needs to be borrowed for the whole program... that's twice as much as I originally expected. So it's a little overwhelming to have such mixed emotions, on the one hand I feel great about my chances and really want to be going there more than anything, but on the other I'm starting to wonder if it's financially responsible at all to pull out those kinds of loan amounts when I already have 18K from my undergrad. Did anyone else feel this way?


That's way more than I was expecting, is that including an estimated living expense too?

I am glad to here that your interview went well

I am interested to know if many males were at the interviews.

yes it includes cost of living, but it was way more than i was expecting too. it is making me reconsider applying elsewhere unfortunately. there were only 3 guys at the interview today.

There were five or six guys on Friday. I was surprised!

Thanks for the response!

It is a lot of money, I have a family so I imagine my cost of living will be even higher. :(

So I am assuming working part- time is out of the question?

I don't know about spending that kind of money, and I don't know who would even lone me that much for a 2nd bachelors?

Did they say during Duke Days that they're going to offer 100 people admission for 72 spots? I wasn't sure if I heard that correctly. If so, that makes our chances seem better than I thought!

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