Published Jun 28, 2018
2 Posts
I'm very concerned. I'm 20 years old and I was recently arrested with a DUI on Friday. My court date is in a month. I just graduated from my LVN program in May and I made a dumb decision to drive home drunk. The cop didn't have a reason to pull me over but since I got off the freeway right when he went behind me since I got nervous he pulled me over. My school is sending out my paper work this week and my live scan was completed before I got the dui. I'm not sure when I should contact the board. I don't want to contact them and they the court dismisses my case. I wanted to go and take my nclex before the court hearing but I'm not sure if that'll be a problem or if the board will be upset that I waited for my court hearing to report it to them. Please I understand that I shouldn't have been drinking and driving and I'm never drinking again but I'm very scared for my career and need any advice that I can get.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
I would seek legal advice from someone who specializes in BON issues. If you're in California, you picked the wrong state to screw up in ...especially as a new graduate.
I do wish you well.
Thanks for the advice but reassuring me that I messed up is no help. Only helpful comments please!
No one is going to be able to help you on an internet chat site. Get a lawyer. California is known to be tough ...even new graduates with clean records struggle. It's not the time to look for happy comments. You need to take more concrete action.
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,211 Posts
There is no reason to disclose the incident until after the conviction. That being said, if you are found guilty, then report it immediately... it's not wise to wait until you renew to let them find it.
Best of luck.
5,234 Posts
For heaven's sake she wasn't piling on you. She was stressing how important it is for you to get a lawyer, especially in California. She WAS helping you by giving you sound advice on how to save your career before you've even started.
839 Posts
How is advising you to get a lawyer not helpful advice? Are you looking for reassurance that underage drinking and driving will have no career repercussions? Well, that's not going to happen because it's not true. The truth is that this will be very expensive, be very time consuming, adversely impact your career and very well land you in a monitoring program. You need a lawyer, one well versed in BON issues, to help you navigate this.
medsurgRNCali, ASN
154 Posts
hopefully you can take your test and get your license before you are convicted. I was told by an attorney that you have more rights once they issue you a license. Is there a chance your case could be dismissed? what was your bac? I am almost positive that there is zero tolerance for underage drinking, so chances are it wont be dismissed. Not trying to be negative just honest. In the mean time, do your dui progaram and start going to meetings and get signatures and any type of proof. There is a chance they can pull your license later or put you on probation, which from what I understand is a pain in the butt. We all make mistakes, hopefully you will learn from this. Good Luck
163 Posts
The cop didn't have a reason to pull me over but since I got off the freeway right when he went behind me since I got nervous he pulled me over.
My first piece of advice? Don't say that again. The cop did have a reason to pull you over--you were driving while impaired. Fact--most people pulled over for DUIs aren't driving erratic, they're driving *slower* then the flow of traffic because they're trying to be careful and not get caught DUI.
Accepted that you made a mistake, get a lawyer, pass your boards. Don't make unrealistic statements or grandiose claims: "I'm never drinking again!" because they don't mean as much to the BRN/Court compared to honest statements. "I messed up, I realize that I could have done x,y,z to prevent this from happening. In the future this is what I will do to ensure that I don't risk the safety of others by driving while impaired".
Take your lumps, do the time because you did the time, and hopefully you'll have a long and fruitful career after. It sucks but it happened, now learn from it.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
The police don't just randomly pull people over for 'no reason'. And coming to ask for advice- and then dictating what type of advice is acceptable indicates that you are not owning this. It strikes me as "I'm sorry- sorry I got caught".
get a lawyer ASAP