Drug urine test after 12 hour shift

Nurses Recovery


After the completion of my shift I was escorted by the house supervisor to another floor where a woman, hospital security, and house soup for the next shift waiting for me. I was told on the way there that several reports was made about me "acting more nervous than normal" and "uncontrolled twitching", so I was asked to give a urine sample. The testing company lady asked what medications I took and wrote those on her paper, added a substance to the toilet water and accompanied me in the bathroom for me to give my specimen. I was contacted by my superior stating I was suspended until the results came back. I called HR the 2nd full day after and inquired about the tests and was informed there was not anything under my name at that time. I emailed my superior again and was told HR would be the ones contacting me when the test came back. I also emailed HR just trying to find out what the time frame was for this, and if I needed to be doing something in the meantime, I was finally told by HR the test results can take anywhere from 3-5 days. I was called at almost 5 one afternoon with a message left to call back and nothing else. The next day I received an email and phone call that they wanted to meet with me. I was escorted to another office where my superior and another in a management position told me my test results came back positive. I was told my test showed methadone and benzo. I asked if the test could be reran, take another test, hair follicle test and/or polygraph and was told no. I was given information on TPAPN, a copy of the signed termination papers, and handed over my badge. I told them that I have never taken any of those drugs and told that "that's not what the test shows." I was informed I would be reported to the board and my best bet was to self enroll in TPAP. They stated they was going through my charting as well and my medication charting was "sloppy", which I'm not quiet sure how to take. I have since emailed and requested a copy of the reported drug test results and have not heard anything back yet. The MRO never contacted me during this process (after much googling I'm not 100% on the process) I take benadryl, nexium, sleep aid, tylenol, ibuprofen, and or tylenol. I'm not sure on my course of action at this point. On the way home I bought an at home test from CVS and took that test in front of my husband (I know this will not help my case at all at this point but I needed to know) that test was negative. I plan on getting my own hair follicle test on Tuesday at a DOT facility, I'm sending another email for a request in writing for another test to be ran on my sample I gave. I did sign the hospital consent and the paper from the testing company although I did not initial or sign anything after the sticker was placed on top of the specimen cup. I'm so furious at the whole process of this and feel like a dog chasing it's tail because I don't know what else to do. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going through this tunnel just trying to locate the light at the end.

Wow. I would definitely get a lawyer and go after them. I understand it may be costly and might not seem worth it to you. But I think I'd "go to the mattresses" on this one.

YES! accepting this makes you look guilty.

Specializes in Surgical, Home Infusions, HVU, PCU, Neuro.

Accepting what makes me look guilty? Their "results" said positive for benzo and methadone- spec number not the same as COC and the breakdown of how much of each was written in. The testing comapny wont talk to me since the hospital is the payer. All of this and what the board decided was with retained council

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.
Accepting what makes me look guilty? Their "results" said positive for benzo and methadone- spec number not the same as COC and the breakdown of how much of each was written in. The testing comapny wont talk to me since the hospital is the payer. All of this and what the board decided was with retained council

It would seem to be a nonstarter for the hospital. Specimen numbers that don't match the COC?

The Board should not try and hang this one on you, not at all. What did they say?

Specializes in Surgical, Home Infusions, HVU, PCU, Neuro.

I got 1 year EEP to prove I dont have a problem with addiction. So that's 1 year of checking in daily, and min of 18 drug screens at 55 a pop. I provided my hair follice and COC with my statement to the BON along with my last eval ( was completed within 30 days of the suspected impairment), copies of multiple daisy nominations I had received within the prior 6 months to this. My response to sending all those was the BON sending me information on getting an eval done ect. The lawyer I retained I spoke with each step and retained her after the evaluation was being asked of me. She really thought that they would have dropped it with the hair test and results. I didnt receive any copies of anything until my lawyer sent me the file my ex employer sent the BON. The first time I saw the COC and test results was when I appealed my unemloyment claim and the hospital had to provide it to me. That's when I noticed the date, specimen, collector, tester, confirmation test descrepencies and brought all that to my lawyers attention which she included in our "response" to the BON. when the BON decided my fate I got a congrats letter from my attorney that the board chose to give me a year without any stipulations. I was ticked, I did not feel the outcome warrented a "Congrats" as now I have to pay a min of 990 for testing, planing where I stay out of town for my kids competitions close to collection sites incase I'm picked that day ect. Frustrating doesn't even come close to how I feel about all this poop. I dont understand how I keep getting shafted in all this and have to keep forking out money to prove what I have already proven with the hair test and then questioning the collections, the chain of custody, and the results ( computer generated and hand written) ei- test dated the 26th, stamped received the 30th however the results computer generated is dated the 27th- the collector and test tech just have a letter rather than name or initials. there is no specification of which (if any) confirmation test used, no evidence of an MRO at all confirming everything. uggggg still super irritated at all of this

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

You did everything I would have. I suggest you contact your state representative and advise them about this. The BON is not independent. This stinks, is one of the worst examples of overreach I've heard.

I'm surprised your attorney didn't appeal.

How much work did you miss?

You did everything I would have. I suggest you contact your state representative and advise them about this. The BON is not independent. This stinks, is one of the worst examples of overreach I've heard.

I'm surprised your attorney didn't appeal.

I am guessing the lawyer thinks she is guilty.
You did everything I would have. I suggest you contact your state representative and advise them about this. The BON is not independent. This stinks, is one of the worst examples of overreach I've heard.

I completely agree. OP really got shafted. It's absolutely disgusting. What a travesty.

Specializes in Surgical, Home Infusions, HVU, PCU, Neuro.

So I always try to make myself memorable and I guess the drug testing company decided to help me. I have received information that my specimen has been retested and the results are NEGATIVE.

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.
So I always try to make myself memorable and I guess the drug testing company decided to help me. I have received information that my specimen has been retested and the results are NEGATIVE.

Take that back to the BON.

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.
I am guessing the lawyer thinks she is guilty.

Now she's got proof she's NOT.

Take that back to the BON.

And let us know what happens.

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