Drexel ACE Fall 2016

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hey Everyone,

I noticed there wasn't a thread for this group yet so of course the most simple solution was to make one! Hopefully everyone can share their thoughts, questions and updates here.

Just submitted my application and essay. Now I'm just waiting on completion with transcript processing. Trying to stay calm and ready myself for the wait.

Good Luck Everyone :)

I am also very nervously checking my portal now that I know people are starting to be accepted. Congrats to all acceptances so far! My application was complete on September 16th, so hopefully more of us will start hearing!

For those who got accepted, did you guys submit anything else such as letter of recs and personal essay?

And also whats your gpa?! My application was finally completed yesterday

For those who have been accepted, did you get an email, or did you just check the portal?

Hi all,

I found out through my email first which alerted me that my online decision was available!


Don't worry about having a low undergrad GPA. I was also worried about my GPA as well. I had a 3.0. My GPA consisted solely of upper divisions at a top university in California (we're known for grade DEFLATION) since I was a transfer. I didn't have any lower division classes to boost my undergrad GPA. My prereq GPA was 3.8, but I got in! Don't lose hope :)

In addition to everyone else, I did not send any additional supplements (ie. letters of rec, personal statement) but now that I look back upon it, I am sure it would have been a good idea to do that!

By any chance, does anyone know how a repeat of class would play out? I retook AP1 and have gotten an A rather than a C during my first time around

Repeating a course looks probably better than just saying forget it and now trying again at all...

Hey Rojer - I didn't repeat classes per se, however, I dropped two classes and took them at a later date.

I am not sure how retaking a class might impact your application, but if someone took a class once, then took it again with a better grade, it implies to me that that's a person who wanted to really master course material, and succeeded... Good luck!

Is everyone who's accepted 100% going ??? :)

I just received an email this morning that I was also accepted! I am very excited and will definitely be attending next fall. This was my first choice due to the timing of the program - I currently work in a high school, so the September start date will allow me to finish out the school year and then start the program. Congrats to all who have been accepted as well!

Now I just have one more prereq to finish...

heard today that I have a hold on my application. Basically, my minor was through my undergrad nursing school and they seem to think I was part of a BSN program previously. The link for app inquiry is down and the contact is out of office. Hopefully this does not hurt my chances. Congrats to all accepted!

Congrats to all who have heard back. When did you apply akkelly8?

I got accepted!!

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