Nurses General Nursing
Published Mar 30, 2001
94 Posts
Just for fun and to lighten things up a bit what would evryones dream job in nursing be?If you could work anywhere and under what circumstance would you be happiest?Personally mine would be somewhere I could see the ocean once in awhile making 5-6000 a month full benifits and at the most 3-5 patients(of course they all coorperate)I dont care about weekends all the time but once in awhile wouldnt be bad and a holiday also.I think I could live with that.
25 Posts
I'd live in a valley surrounded by mountains and a lake view. I'd have a small farm, grow my own food. My job - a Nurse Midwife. I wouldn't mind being paid with chickens or a goat for those without insurance coverage.
2,394 Posts
Originally posted by Sunshine55:I'd live in a valley surrounded by mountains and a lake view. I'd have a small farm, grow my own food. My job - a Nurse Midwife. I wouldn't mind being paid with chickens or a goat for those without insurance coverage.
Sounds great! I think I would like to be a NP, in a small town. Definitely by water for sure. I don't want to be rich, just happy, content, and useful.
Another dream of mine, would be to help battered women, and teenage moms. I would like to start a program, to help them see beyond their situations. To help battered women, find a safe harbour to recover, receive education, job skills, and counseling, to help make a better life for themselves, and their children. To help stop the continuing cycle. To help teen moms make good decisions, and to show them they haven't made a mistake, they can't move on from. My mom was a social worker, so I guess I have some of that in me too.
2,259 Posts
My dream nursing job would be coordinating and directing prenatal education programs in the community.
Brownms46 - What a beautiful dream! Perhaps, you can make it a reality one day. Teenage moms and battered women need so much support. I'm sure with your helping hand and caring heart, they would have a chance at making their own dreams come true.
427 Posts
Dream job you ask. Er nurse in Myrtle Beach South Carolina, hours would be 2p to 2 am 3 days a week, greens fees and beer from the Wild Boar, my own table at Greg Normans Australian Grille and Dick's Last resort would be my bonuses, in lui of cash. And a Caddy, i want a Caddy too, preferably a red head, actually auburn, about 22 years old. Female, of course. Yeah, that would be kewl
Originally posted by kewlnurse:Dream job you ask. Er nurse in Myrtle Beach South Carolina, hours would be 2p to 2 am 3 days a week, greens fees and beer from the Wild Boar, my own table at Greg Normans Australian Grille and Dick's Last resort would be my bonuses, in lui of cash. And a Caddy, i want a Caddy too, preferably a red head, actually auburn, about 22 years old. Female, of course. Yeah, that would be kewl
LOL...not asking for much...are you..LOL!
24 Posts
I would love to be an FNP in a level one or two ER working with a diverse patient population making $70,000 to $80,000/yr. Although this sounds obtainable, in AZ, I have yet to see an ER hire an NP instead of a PA and have yet to meet an NP that makes over $60,000. But hey, I can still dream! Keep on smiling! Tell me what ya'll think.
Originally posted by Sunshine55:Brownms46 - What a beautiful dream! Perhaps, you can make it a reality one day. Teenage moms and battered women need so much support. I'm sure with your helping hand and caring heart, they would have a chance at making their own dreams come true.
Thank you Sunshine55! I would surely love to have this dream job. There is such a need, and even though I have voluteered my time, when I could, I would love to do more, as much more is needed. Thank for your very kind words of encouragement!
350 Posts
Nurse midwife at a home for unwed mothers. I love teaching and taking care of teens in labor. All they need is someone to guide them and show them the way....that would be MY dream job. Working somewhere like Florence Crittendon home part time, then keeping my labor and delivery job but only working one 12 hour shift per week. AND OF COURSE, NO HOLIDAYS, NO WEEKENDS, AND NO NIGHTS!!
753 Posts
My dream job?
In my dream job, I'd have the honor of being respected by my clients, parents would trust me with their child's life. In my dream job, I'd play with kids, I'd be blessed with the smile of a terminally ill child, I'd be reminded, hourly, just how precious life is. In my dream job, kids would look to me and say, "when I get big, I'm gonna do what you do". My co-workers would work with me to reach a common goal; the goal of optimal health for each child we encounter. As I peeked in on my patients each hour of the night, I'd be reminded of my own precious children at home, I'd be reminded how blessed I am. I'd be thanked by a three year old, tears in his eyes, as I secured the IV I had just started. I'd be leaned upon by a parent, I'd offer a hug upon the news of a newly diagnosed brain tumor. Years after caring for a child, I'd see the parents out shopping, they'd stop and once again, thank me for the 12 hours I cared for their child. Thank you, KJMTA57! Thank you for reminding me how much I love my job. I am living my dream job!
J in MN
5 Posts
Well, this is premature I know since I won't even start towards my BSN until this fall, but my goal is to someday live in AZ and work at a women's health care center that melds the best of western medicne with the best of alternative health care. I would also like to have my own business as a "personal wellness consultant".