Don't Understand have ??

Nurses Announcements Archive


HI! I am new to this board and am considering going BSN to TWU or going to an ADN program at NCTC in Texas. I will have to drive to Gainsville once I get in the ADN program. But I don't understand something. The ADN program, I have to have all these immunizations and shots and CPR certification before I get in but when I am reading for TWU's program I can't find any information about any of that. I am just wondering if its the same or if they have different requirements. I can't seem to find out and I haven't been able to reach anyone at TWU to answer these questions so far. It would really help me out if I could get an answer from somebody on the board. Thanks in advance!

I am in an ADN program, and its my understanding that these are requirements from the places you do your clinicals. We had to have them done before we could start our clinicals. Might be that the BSN program doesnt start any clinicals the first semester. Which would give more time for getting these things done. Hope this helped

Have A Great Day


HI! I am new to this board and am considering going BSN to TWU or going to an ADN program at NCTC in Texas. I will have to drive to Gainsville once I get in the ADN program. But I don't understand something. The ADN program, I have to have all these immunizations and shots and CPR certification before I get in but when I am reading for TWU's program I can't find any information about any of that. I am just wondering if its the same or if they have different requirements. I can't seem to find out and I haven't been able to reach anyone at TWU to answer these questions so far. It would really help me out if I could get an answer from somebody on the board. Thanks in advance!
Specializes in Home Health Care,LTC.

WE had to have all of that done when I went to LPN School

Specializes in ED.

Yeah, these are requirements everywhere you have to attend clinicals, including 4 year colleges. You will be in contact with alot of people who could have anything (such as TB) so they have to know what you're protected against or what you have already before you come in. Especially the TB and Hepatitis.

Ok thanks guys I guess I will just have to ask around a lot more and find out WHO specifically to ask in the nursing department. It may be that I have to just go up there and ask. I knew that th ere were some requirements but I just couldn't find them on the website and I called several people at the school and just haven't gotten their response yet but thats been several days... GRRR... I was just wondering because I may have to start taking the vaccinations earlier because I have had reactions to other vaccines before just can't remember which ones. It was all very minor compared to some of the other reactions I have heard of but it was still not fun. But thanks again guys!

Specializes in Operating Room.

Either way, having boosters, and being CPR certified (C version) is always a plus. If they don't require it, do it anyway! However, I am sure you would need these before you start your clinicals anywhere.

Good luck to you.

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

My school let me know the health requirements after I was accepted, along with a lot of other info that they don't put in their literature for applicants. It all came with the "Welcome" packet with everything about uniforms, etc.

I got the Hep B series, even though it wasn't required, and had to have titers done. The hospital I did my first rotation at required a TB test within 90 days of working there, so I had to have it re-done. It really all goes by hospital policy, and not always the school's, though they have some also.

Well if my school that I am trying to get into doesn't require immunizations and all of that I am still gonna do it. These days you never know what someone might have and they don't even know that they have it! But then there are those people out there that don't care that they have it and don't care who they might give it to because one they are not going to stop doing what they were doing that caused them to get whatever they have or two they are mad at the world because they are sick and want everybody to have it too...Sad....

Specializes in L&D.

When I went to TWU in 1999, they required the same immunizations that NCTC requires now, except the whole chicken pox thing, which is new. Now they (NCTC) are requiring students to either have a chicken pox titer to prove they have had it, or get the vaccination.

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