

So that's it.

Tried to check in to Recovery Trek at 2AM- status INACTIVE.

CM just called. I was released from my PNAP contract 4/18/18.

Its. Over.

3 and a half years.

So if you'll excuse me, I have a life to get on


I always said I would pay it forward, so anyone with any questions, feel free to contact me. Especially newbies. It's so scary.


No. I had one hair test back in October for a dilute.

Congrats! I got sober as a young waitress with no record. My hat is off to anyone who survives the stress of diversion and remains clean and sober!

yep PNAP is 3/2 years. YUCK!!!! Of course its a ton better then our colleagues in 5 year programs

For sure. I just spoke to a friend from rehab and she's in NJ. 5 years. Our contract start dates were nearly identical and she has 19 more months.

Hello and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are one lucky dog. My PNAP contract date is also 4/18/18 what's the chances?!!! But I'm on this site because here we are 4/24/18 and I'm still waiting to hear from my case manager. I called her today and was told "I will call you when I hear something." What does that mean???? The wait is killing me, but I'm happy for you!

Actually my date was 4/8/18.

Did you submit your petition for dismissal?

Honestly, I've never heard of anyone waiting longer than 2 weeks, so any day now....

Is DH your case manager?

I submitted my petition for dismissal over a month ago. This whole situation has me wondering if different CMs have a way of speeding up the process. She was not My CM. Reading your story gives me hope! Waiting is one thing, but waiting and not knowing anything is another. At least your screen was the next day, they picked me on the 19th which was already 11 days after my date!

I mistyped, my date was 4/8/18 as well, not the 18th.

Yea, I saw your other post.

I would be freaking out if it was over a month!

God they really got you by the balls. Waiting is the worst.

Specializes in OR.

By 30 days I think I might be contemplating a registered letter threatening legal action for keeping you in this prison AND charging you for it way beyond what you signed the contract for. 4/8 is 4/8, not whenever we get around to processing it and in The meantime we still stick it to for testing and garbage....


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