Does this happen to you?

Nurses New Nurse


Specializes in Oncology, Hospice, Med-Surg.

I have been having trouble sleeping because in my dreams I'm at work and I forgot something huge. I will remember tiny little things that I didn't do or something and it makes my sleep quality crap. I asked a few other new grads at work if they experience this and they said they do. Any tips on getting over this? I really want to leave work at work so I can enjoy my sleep and life more.

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.

If I knew how to control my dreams, I'd hang out with Christian Bale on daily basis! :)

The good news? It's common.

The bad news? I still have these dreams, four years out - not all of the time, but too often for my liking. Although the dreams have become less "ohmygosh I made a huge mistake" and more random goings-on with coworkers and patients featured in them.

Specializes in private-duty, hospital, LTC, clinic.

Alprazolam and White Merlot, :ZZZZZ

If I knew how to control my dreams, I'd hang out with Christian Bale on daily basis! :)


I second this !00%

Specializes in med surg.

I keep hearing IV's beeping long after I've left the hospital. How can I stop this? lol

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.
I keep hearing IV's beeping long after I've left the hospital. How can I stop this? lol

That one goes away. At least it did for me by the time I was a nurse and was done being a tech. However, repetitive noises really really drive me NUTS!

I have dreams that I check and re-check my IV drips over and over and still make mistakes. Luckil that hasn't happened in real life yet!

Specializes in Pediatrics, ER.

Wish I knew! I've been a nurse for a little over two years and still dream about work after almost every shift. It's like my dream is a continuation of my day/night at work, but I always forget things or make huge mistakes. In my dreams I even know I'm dreaming sometimes, and say to myself within the dream "good thing I didn't really make xyz mistake and this is just a dream." I usually wake up shortly's almost like my brain never gets into a deep sleep. I haven't made a mistake yet at work, but my subconscious works hard to make sure I don't!

Specializes in Pediatrics, ER.
I keep hearing IV's beeping long after I've left the hospital. How can I stop this? lol

For the first few months I constantly heard the cardiac monitors after I left work. I'd hear them in the shower, I'd wake up thinking I heard them alarming. It went away after about six months, but still occasionally happens after a particularly stressful shift!

Specializes in ER.

I always dream of work after I get off shift, and usually they're more stressful than my actual shift. My coworker who has been a nurse for 4years says she still hears IVs beeping when she goes home. Typically on my days off, I sleep alot better.

Specializes in Home Care.

Lucky for me I don't remember my dreams :)

But on my first day off I'm always waiting for that phone call from work telling me I did this or that wrong.

I dream about work as well.

I think I should get paid for it!!!

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