Published Sep 7, 2005
307 Posts
I just started my Micro class, and of course 99.9% of the people in it want to be nurses. Everyone seems so negative though,(im in Calif.) like "no one can get into the program here" "its too competitive" "the system isnt fair" or "Im going to Kansas after this where they just let you in the program".
I mean gosh- getting in....or there'd be no nursing programs. No one is trying to bring me down, people just talk about it like its hopeless.
I do have a great fear that I will have worked on these prereqs for 6 years now, had two babies that I spent less time with becuase I had to study, and it will all have been for nothing because it was impossible to get in or the selection process changes in some way not in my favor.
Anyone else feel that way, I mean where's the postiveness? I feel like you can get in if you have good enough grades....but sometimes thats not even enough.
I guess the problem is it seems uncertain....uncertianity is pretty bad for all the loooooong hard work it takes to even get to apply.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
In some areas the competition to get in is fierce (in one school here there are 80 slots and 500 applicants), so in some respects what they are saying is reality. But it also sounds like some sour grapes thrown in to stir things up.
Good luck. Keep a positive attitude no matter what.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
In some areas the competition to get in is fierce (in one school here there are 80 slots and 500 applicants), so in some respects what they are saying is reality. But it also sounds like some sour grapes thrown in to stir things up. Good luck. Keep a positive attitude no matter what.
I agree. Where I am at there are only 39 slots and about 400+ applicants, but I am still hopeful. I am about to turn in my application on Friday and am so hopeful. If I don't get in then I will just keep trying. Good luck.
Also, don't listen to what those people are saying. Most try to intimidate you or get you to panic and leave (hence less competition for them). :)
129 Posts
It's pretty fierce at our school and a couple years ago, there were 1000 applicants for the 117 slots in the program. So it is true that many will spend a lot of money on these classes and not be able to get into the nursing program. It is pretty sad, there is a nursing shortage and yet, lots of qualified people who want to go into nursing can not get in. Having less than a 3.7 gpa does not make one incompetent for nursing. In years past, before the programs became so competitive, plenty of people with 2.5 and above went on to nursing school.
I'm pretty stressed about getting in, but I have the ability to get good grades. I did transfer two classes from 13 years ago that are B's, and that has dropped my gpa down from a 4.0. So that makes me a little worried that I won't get in right off the bat. But I have backup majors that I can apply my prereqs to should nursing school not pan out in the next two years.
Yea, I sort of have back up majors too. I plan to keep taking biology classes and the like to get a Biology degree if I dont get into nursing programs. I should have the prereqs for any Physicians asistant or physical therapy program within that biology major. But that seems big time to me....even more competitive. I guess you just have to rise to the occasion. Its definitely stressed me out, mentally and physically. Looking at my kids keeps me going and looking forward to life I might have one day with a larger income. As well as the satisfaction of being a college graduate.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I definitely agree with Jessica. Don't listen to all of the negativity. Yes, it will be hard. If it wasn't we would all get paid minimum wage...everyone could get in no matter what....
Stay focused, do your best, and never give up. You know what you have to do to have a chance of getting in, so concentrate on that.
Good luck! :)
40 Posts
At Modesto Junior College, they are accepting applicants based on the lottery system now! I hope that helps you feel more hopeful towards getting into a nursing program, plus they are accepting more people each semester than 40 a year at Stan State. :) Although I hope I didn't sound too negative when I was giving you some information about Stan State's nursing program. It's just that I wanted to let you know that I had to do extra work than just getting "good grades" to get into the program. My older sister who has 3 kids is trying for the RN program @ JC and she hears a bunch of negativity there that scared her, and actually most of it is untrue so maybe you should find more factual information than just relying on people's word of mouth. Also, if you really love nursing, I don't think you should be worried on how many yrs its going to take for you to accomplish your goals as long as you are giving it your best, the studying should be all worth it!
178 Posts
If I had a dollar for every time I heard something negative about my CC's nursing program my tuition would be paid in full! I try not to listen to what anyone says but there are the times that they will say something that makes you go "hmmmm". When that happens I just call the nursing dept and ask them. 99.99% of the time these rumors are unfounded. I have attended two of the nursing information meetings and feel confident that I am well aware of how things are done and what to expect.
Most of these people just say these negative things to scare or intimidate you. They think that it will make you not apply and thus open up a spot for them. I had this woman in one of my classes tell me that if you dont have a 3.5 GPA dont bother applying. I chuckled a bit and thought to myself "well I will be applying with a 4.0 GPA so I guess I am safe." She then proceeded to tell me that she is on the Dean's List and that she knows she will get accepted. I told her good for you, keep that positive attitude and you surely will make it. She turns to me and says, "Well, if I were you, I wouldnt bother applying." I asked her why she would say that. She replies, "well your GPA must be low, otherwise you would have shared it with me." I laughed and said, "well, I guess that is one way to look at it." I just cant believe the gall of some people. If I tell them my GPA (when asked or in casual conversation, then they think I am bragging or throwing it up in their face. If I keep it to myself then they assume its not good enough to get in. WTF?
I just cant believe the lengths that some people will take to try to intimidate another student. I just recently started at one of the other campuses which is located in the city and is considered "a rough neighborhood." I have actually found that the students at this campus to be more friendly, supportive and 99% less negative than the suburban campus I have been attending. We have a choice to take nursing classes at this campus or the suburban campus and I think I am going to take them at this campus. The drive isnt bad and I really like the campus.
Bottom line, listen to noone except for your schools nursing dept. Call them and ask them about the rumors. Chances are they have already heard of them and will be more than willing to clarify it for you. Good luck!
When I went to the first guidance counselor to discuss enrolling in school and what classes to take for the nursing program, she was very negative to me. She kept telling me how comptetitive it was, how many people apply, told me that people with B averages need not apply because they don't fare well anyway and then showed me how all the science classes were filled up. I don't know if she thought because I am in my 30's and a chunky housewife that I must be stupid and incompetent. So I just looked her in the eye and said, "Well, I guess I'll just have to get all A's", shook her hand and walked out. The funny thing is, the competitiveness of the program actually helps me rise to the occasion and above it. Like it lit a fire of determination under me.
505 Posts
I heartily agree! I cannot believe the rumors being spread about the NS at my college. Most of the people who start them are completely misinformed. I actually sat down with a nursing advisor last week, and asked her everything I could think of. I am satisfied that I am taking the correct classes, and that I have a very good chance at getting into the program.
On the first day of school I encountered a woman who was bragging loudly that her GPA is 4.0 and ACT is 28, and that she is already an LPN, so she was sure of getting in. She is the same woman who has given other people a lot of misinformation about the program requirements. I now wonder if anything she has said is true.
801 Posts
Everyone talks that way because they are scared of not getting in just like you are. I tuned all of those things out and just studied my rear end off and made sure I got good grades. It's all about hard work and dedication. Obviously you're dedicated....6 years...hello..that rocks. I would apply to other schools as well just so you have more options (if that is an option for you). Try not to get too discouraged because it only makes you worry. (Been there, done that A LOT!) My ..... reasearch everytihng it takes to get in. Talk to your advisor, see if she can give you advice and tell you exactly what they're looking for. Knowing these things will give you the upper hand on some things. I've noticed that half of the pre-nursing students at my school idn't even know what ACT score they preffered. :uhoh21: OR the point system they used. I'm not saying not to share this info neccissarily, BUT you have to look out for you right?
(Small story...a friend of mine was going to a nursing confrence at a college 30 min away to apply for the program. She had mentioned the "last minute" confrence to a classmate who decided to go as well. She, classmate was placed #1 on the waiting list and my friend was #2 on waiting list...after her!) Needless to say, classmate got a last minute phone call to join the class, friend didn't:uhoh3: ) Moral of the story...this is a COMPETITIVE program..look out for you and yours.
Also, get as much done as your time frame allows....immunizations, CPR, ACT, NET (if needed) pre-req's etc... This will help ease your conscience and take off some stress. Good luck to you. If you want it badly enough, you'll get it! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I agree. Where I am at there are only 39 slots and about 400+ applicants, but I am still hopeful. I am about to turn in my application on Friday and am so hopeful. If I don't get in then I will just keep trying. Good luck.Also, don't listen to what those people are saying. Most try to intimidate you or get you to panic and leave (hence less competition for them). :)
You have to think too that a lot of those 400 applicants don't have many pre-req's completed either. A lot of people apply just to see if they can get in. Good luck to you and keep your positive attitude! :)