Do women find male nurses attractive?

Nurses Men



So I'm a young, single, heterosexual male nurse, and I'm well aware that I'm somewhat of a minority, as most nurses are female, and the ones that aren't, are often gay (yes, I know that is just a silly stereotype, and there's nothing wrong with being gay, but that's beside my point).

Thing is, I'm not even remotely feminine- I have a beard, I listen to heavy metal, I climb mountains, I work out, etcetera. But I get paranoid that most people probably perceive me as a little "girly" or "possibly homosexual", when I talk about being a nurse. I feel especially insecure about my masculinity when I'm walking home wearing my uniform past some heavy set dudes doing roadworks or construction or something "manly". Sometimes, I've even lied about studying nursing at uni- I've sometimes said I'm studying engineering, to seem more masculine.

I'm not ashamed of being a nurse- I'm damn proud! But I feel a little insecure due to the silly non-masculine stereotypes associated with my career choice. I'm also single and looking for a girlfriend, but I sense that women might think I'm gay, or unmanly, due to my profession. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Anyway, my main question is- ladies, do you find male nurses attractive? Do you like the idea of a man taking care of you? Or does it seem unmanly and unattractive?

Regards - Sykadia

Specializes in Critical Care.

"I'm not insecure in my masculinity but can you tell me if you're attracted to me even though I'm a nurse?" LOL okay

Ok, so I am older in my 60s, married, shaved off my beard, I have kids, grandkids, and great grandchildren. I don't climb anymore, I drive an old Ford pickup, and on occasion a gay man will show some interest. Oh! Did I mention I am a nurse. At 6'1",190 pounds, gray hair, and a kind disposition. I find that women are attracted to me not my profession. Don't get me wrong. Many seem surprised I am a nurse but not a single one from the 23 year old model who hit on me the other day to the 85 year old that mentioned that she had nothing to do this weekend and would I cheat on my wife? Ever equated a lack of attraction with my profession. My advice is Learn, laugh, love, and live. It will work itself out.

As a female nurse who has been "hit on" by male patients, let me tell you that what turns females off is bigotry (one of the patients in attempting to prove he was a "manly man" told me how he could recognize a f*g at 20 paces and would do "whatever" to them, was trying to impress me with how "tough" he was, his "big truck", etc.) Other than I would never date a patient, if he has to brag so much I am DEFINITELY not interested. I prefer intelligence, looks fade......

I think men that are nurses are attractive. It takes a certain amount of caring and compassion to be a nurse and if a guy is a nurse, means he has a little of those things. But there are also other qualities a person should have to attractive also.

Try being the opposite. Im 6 ft tall 235 lb retired SWAT team member. In many cases pts looked at me like I was the Angel of Death. Forget 12 years in Emergency Service Bureau. Delivering babies, crawling through burning buildings running toward gunshots they were afraid of me. Once they new me I was a highly requested nurse. Forget about what strangers think. Teach them to love your competency and they wont be strangers

Specializes in Psychiatric, Med-Surg.

I dated a guy several years ago, before I was in this profession, who was going to school for nursing. I figured he was a guy who wanted to have a strong career and make a decent living. *shrug* Totally didn't bother me at all.

Specializes in Nursing Home / Prison / Hospital.

Stay single, don't have kids and NEVER go in debt.


Don't focus on whether or not "women" like it. The right woman won't even care. She'll want to be with you regardless. I'm engaged to another RN and he always looks and acts manly enough for me. Nursing isn't easy and you should remain proud that you completed nursing school and that you're a successful nurse! Be well. :yes:

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Home Health.

Seriously, nothing is sexier than a male nurse. That determination to go into a "woman's world" and kick butt at it - super attractive. I know a lot of women who feel the same.

I was in the Navy for 12 years and worked with many male RNs. I also worked in the VA system for a long time and lots of men as RNs there too. All of them were great guys and great nurses. There were nights I was the only female nurse on the floor, even the CNAS were male. I had absolutely no issue, and loved working with all of them. We got along, worked as a team and if there was a female patient they helped me if I needed it. We always asked the female patients if they minded a male RN assisting them, most said it was fine. I was always there for the female if need be. There remains a stereotype of Nursing being a female profession and while it's better than it used to be it needs to be gone. Nursing is a job like another. Female MDs must face some of the same garbage. That needs to end too. Remind folks of the science you have to know, the endless interactions, treatments, formulas, drugs, etc., then treat them like you would anyone and be professional. It will come across that you are there to do a good job, period. The one thing I do not like about the males in nursing is the way some of the female RNs treat them. I do not care if you are gay, straight, male, female, trans, bi or anything else as long as you take your job seriously and work with me. Know your stuff and come to work ready to "get down" and I am fine. I admit I am progressive in this regard, I make no excuses nor do I offer apologies. I think men in scrubs are sexy, but them so are we females. It's all in who is wearing the scrubs and their work ethic and professionalism. Do yourself a favor and don't get involved with a co-worker, save yourself for some one outside of your work area or your profession. You will be fine.

Hi Sykadia. I wanted to give you some feedback as a nursing student and straight female. I'm not sure if all female nurses feel this way, but I think many female nurses choose nursing as a profession because there is a part of them that finds caring for and helping others satisfying. And there's also the appeal of making some steady cash. So if think that being a fellow nurse, whether straight or gay male, there'd be some commonalities between you and your female counterparts. The attraction between you and potential mates may lie in that you are more sensitive than others, which MANY women may find attractive, and also that you're financially stable, which is a must for most professionally successful women. The fact you also listen to "harder music" is just a unique facet of your personality, and works to enhance your masculinity (in my opinion). I've noticed sensitivity is a must for those in the medical field, so if I were you, I wouldn't worry. Best of luck finding a GF!


To quote a co-worker "women find men who act like men attractive" she is 60+ so her idea of men who act like men may be quite different than yours.



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