Do you think this would be goofy?


starting to research anatomy and physiology stuff ahead of time? Just general knowledge stuff like the joints, bones names, muscles, etc etc? I thought that if i just looked through soem general stuff on it and had a base, that when I started classes that maybe ti would be that much easier since the simpel stuff would already be absorbed?

Am i just crazy?

Absolutely not!!! Do it! You may not know what your teacher will test you on right now, but you can be sure it will be muscles, bones, brain, cells, nervous system, that sort of stuff (probably starting with the different types of cell structures). Start learning all the different parts of everything and attempting to remember it!!! When you get your sylabus, you'll be able to see what you should be focusing your time on then. Good luck!

A&P was one of my favorites! Actually, probably my favorite so far!

lol. good. I have a few semesters until thsi class, so I figure if I can absorba little bit at a time, it may make it that much easier on me when time comes.

i dop remember learning some of it in high school, but I forget in which class. Prob psych with the brain structure....

That is a great idea.It has worked for me and it'll work for you.Plus it feels really great when the instructor is lecturing and some of the stuff actually makes sense.Best of luck to you.

No, not goofy! I bought A&P coloring books to do over the summer, and I'm already a lot more familiar. I'm excited for my fall classes, but I know they will be a challenge. I figure the more I can learn ahead of time, the less stressed I'll be later.

Go to amazon or barnes& noble websites and search "anatomy physiology coloring". There are a few different ones, I got a small one with basic A&P, and more in-depth ones (actually like textooks where you color each page) for anatomy and physiology separately. They really are fun.

starting to research anatomy and physiology stuff ahead of time? Just general knowledge stuff like the joints, bones names, muscles, etc etc? I thought that if i just looked through soem general stuff on it and had a base, that when I started classes that maybe ti would be that much easier since the simpel stuff would already be absorbed?

Am i just crazy?

Review Chemistry ;)

I think you're off to a great start! I would say the more accustomed you are to the terminology the better off you will be. Don't let these threads scare you TOO much about A&P. I found that if you pay attention (and to do this, you MUST show up...don't snicker, it blew my mind the sheer number of people that missed labs and lectures), study (reading, rereading, notes), and stay focused you'll be fine. It is the massive amounts of terminology that stop many in their tracks, so if you can become more familiar with key points, you're really cooking with gas! Good luck!

Yeah, I didnt take any labs this semester because I am goign to miss the first week of school. I dotn liek that, but when I decided to go back to school we had already had down payments on our condo, and we cant afford to just be giving money away. So I knew trying to play catch up in lab was a BAD idea. Instead its going to leave me with micro and A&P in 1 semester. sigh. But I thought maybe if I started trying to study up on at least the names and locations of the parts that it would help!!!

CStwannabee- that is so neat! i will have to check that out!

Something like this may not be too bad...

I had my husband quiz me...covered up the names of bones/muscles/etc... with black tape and he went through and quizzed me on it. But I found the book with all of the pics in it to be a HUGE help to me! NOTE: I didn't have this exact book, but I would guess something like came with my textbook. I'll check and see what it's called...I'll let you know what the name of it is.

Something like this may not be too bad...

I had my husband quiz me...covered up the names of bones/muscles/etc... with black tape and he went through and quizzed me on it. But I found the book with all of the pics in it to be a HUGE help to me! NOTE: I didn't have this exact book, but I would guess something like came with my textbook. I'll check and see what it's called...I'll let you know what the name of it is.

That's really cool!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

goldenscroll. . .some years ago when i was taking some of these classes in a large university there were pre-med majors in the class who had already read the textbook and worked the questions at the ends of the chapters before the first day of class! their goal was to make the top grades and an "a". they needed a 4.0 average to get into med school. these pre-med majors are kind of nutty. they will often do this because they know the tricks to learning and studying involve seeing the information more than once.

no, you are not goofy to be doing this. however, bones and muscles are only one part of anatomy. its gets much more difficult as you get into the other organ systems and have to delve into the cellular structures and how those cells perform specific work to make an organ do it's thing--the physiology. so, don't neglect what comes after bones and muscles. bones and muscles are basically memorization

  • - nicely presented drawings of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. select a muscle to view a beautiful drawing of it's location, and a listing of it's origin, insertion, action, innervation and arterial supply. you can also link to the upper extremity muscles from here as well.
  • - links you into lumen learn 'em. has pictures of anatomy you can practice labeling. parts of the bones are labeled with numbers. by clicking on the numbers, the answer appears in a box on the left upper part of the page. you can link into some of the practice exams, but not all. includes answers. from loyola university school of medicine.
  • - a&p student help pages from santa monica college - very extensive collection of pictures and explanations and web links to all kinds of information related to a&p

  • - this is a site that an instructor of a&p set up that has all the lecture exams, quizzes, and lab exams from his career (with answers).
  • - the anatomy lesson by a professor from georgetown university. it is a walk through of basic human anatomy. very nice site for those who are studying anatomy for the first time. includes a link to a large number of practice exam questions (answers included) for you to test yourself.
  • - human anatomy online - a very nice anatomy site organized by the 10 body systems. by clicking on labels of the body parts you get to more specific pictures of the various organs and body parts. a very nice basic tour of human anatomy. the left side of each page has quick links to parts within each of the body systems as well as links to animations on the site.

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