Do you think CT needs to add another BSN program to the state


With the news in the Courant recently of YNHS taking over L+M Healthcare raise the question will YNHS require the RNs to receive their BSN by a certain year. That would leave only Putnam Hospital I believe not requiring a BSN. Can the future see Putnam being taken under the wing of the Hartford Healthcare or YNHS. With only option in the state for BSNs on that side is the accelerated program at Avery Point and Uconn in Storrs.

Think their is need for another BSN program in the East?

Specializes in LDRP.

From what I hear, jobs are already hard enough to come by in eastern CT (especially for new grads). I definitely don't think there needs to be another BSN program to flood the application pools more. And I think I heard on the news the other day that Hartford Healthcare won the bid on Day Kimball.

Wow so the entire eastern state hospitals are all BSN.

It's not like CT is that big. If someone in central CT or western CT needs to commute, it's what... 1-2 hours. Not like people are commuting from northern to southern California. There's so many BSNs and ASNs working on their BSNs and satisfied ASNs in our tiny state. I realize that I'm probably going to need to move to get the job experience I want, and that's OK. Another BSN school would just mean more people trying to get the same number of jobs (or less the way HHC does things >.> ).

Think there is only 5 out of 21/22 hospital's left in the state that don't require a BSN. Guess makes sense though easy to travel from Norwich to New Haven, Storrs, or New Britain within hour/hour half winter's be a pain though.

Probably all the hospitals will go BSN in the near future in the state.

I work for one of the hospitals that YNHH operates (currently Yale is Yale, St Raphaels, Greenwich and Brideport we are taking L&M as wll). I was hired less than a year ago with my Associates, there was never mention that it was a requirement that I get my BSN. However, I was already enrolled in a RN to BSN program at the time of my application.

None of those hospitals in that group REQUIRE a BSN for all RN positions. They 'prefer' it and some postings even say that those who are diploma or Associate RNs MUST show proof of enrollement in a BSN program at the time of application but as of late there is not one hospital in those listed above that ONLY hire BSN for their RN positions throughout the whole hospital.

I'm pretty sure YNHH isn't going to swoop down on L&M and demand BSN only nurses when they aren't requiring it of any of the other 4 they run.

Sure, YNHH is pushing their RNs to have BSNs. We have notices about all the RN to BSN programs posted all over the place, emails about the available programs, tuitionn reimbursement etc, but they have not made any offical decleration that within X amount of time you MUST have your BSN.

Even St. Vincent's in Bridgeport (who are Magnet) doesn't REQUIRE BSN when they hire. They do state you have to enroll in a BSN progam within a year of hire and complete it within 6. Yes, BSN nurses are probably going to have an easier time getting into SVMC but SVMC isn't shutting out Associate degree nurses.

While I know you're speaking about hospitals in the Eastern side of the State, here in the Western part, I can't think of one hospital that ONLY hires BSN nurses.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

The vast majority of the nurses I worked with at Windham had ADNs and I've only seen "BSN preferred" in the postings for Windham/Tolland/New London/Hartford counties. I think the lay out of BSN colleges is so that there is one rather close to wherever you are. Putnam (Day Kimball) is only 40ish minutes from Storrs and the same for AP. I can drive across the state in about 2 hours. There are several BSN schools around Hartford, there's CCSU, and a bunch in the W/SW.

And I wonder what will happen with Day Kimball. I grew up in that area and I know they have been having tons of financial issues. They have one M/S position open and many of the HH hospitals have been laying people off. It will be interesting to see what the future brings for all these hospitals. Is HH growing too big too quickly?

Well Hartford got hit hard with that tax increase by the state. Stamford a year or so went through the same thing, but believe avoided lay offs. I mean most hospital's in the state are losing about $30-$60million dollar's due to this new tax bill. A lot of hospital's are pinching down. Hartford knew this was coming, but heard they had difficulty tightened the budget. They are spread out throughout the state.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Forensics, Addictions.

Connecticut Valley Hospital doesn't require a BSN

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