Published Jul 1, 2010
69 Posts
I know this is probably a stupid question but when do you take the TEAS test at the beginning or end of the quarter? I wasnt sure if it was to find out what you know before your GEN ED classes or after? Ive been out of school for 5 years so Ive forgotten so much and now Im nervous about getting the score I need on the test. Thanks in advice for any and all info on the test, and Good Luck to everyone that hasn't taken it yet :)
315 Posts
I didn't take it until I was ready to apply to the nursing program. It took me three years to finish my pre-reqs. I finished my classes in December, took the TEAS in January and I'm starting nursing school next month. Good luck!
Thanks! Good Luck to you in Nursing School! I have one semester of pre-reqs then nursing school (assuming I pass the TEAS and all of my first semester classes)
93 Posts
I'm not sure how it works in other places, but I wasn't allowed to take the TEAS until I'd finished all my pre-reqs and applied to the nursing department. When I was accepted, the nursing department contacted me and arranged for the scheduling of the test. I took the test last Friday and passed!
shay&lynn, ASN, RN
397 Posts
at my college, this is weird, but you can be accepted into the program...but then have to take the teas and achieve a certain percent on it...kinda weird...get into the program and then have to take it...should be a deciding factor on whether you get in or not...but oh well...
i got in! now just have to take this test [oh joy]. i am not sure if i have to be in a certain percentile or not...they were thinking possible 60th %tile, not sure if it is just for math or for all of the sections...
anyways, what do i need to study? it looks like there are different versions of the teas...? is it pretty basic for all versions or is one harder than another?
76 Posts
I took the TEAS in February of this year and the moment it was over I marched myself to admissions and applied for the transfer into nursing. For my school I could take it whenever i felt like paying the $50 for it..the score is valid for 2 years I think?
185 Posts
I had to sign up for the TEAS test if I wanted to apply to the school.. didn't matter if I had applied or was planning on applying. Every school is different.
I did really well on the TEAS test.. lowest score was 94% on math.. but I didn't get into that school cause I had no credits at that particular institution.
The school I did get in to- didn't have a TEAS test! I'm wondering if there will be one during the first semester??
371 Posts
My friend wants to know what is the best way to study for the TEAS version V. I have no clue on giving advice. Any help will be appreciated and I will pass it on to her.
148 Posts
You can't go wrong with buying the ATI teas review book. It really goes over all concepts that will be in on the test. The math area is mainly basic algebra I.e; fractions, decimals, percentages etc. The science is what everyone seems to struggle with, so review that section of the book heavily. If she studies every day for at least one hour before her test. She should be alright!
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
Fo those on tight budgets, public libraries often have a copy of TEAS review book.
2 Posts
The TEAS isn't too hard of a test. They just quiz you on things they think you should know by this point in your college career. The handbook is the best way to go, but I would focus more on the math and english. (since science should be your strongpoint being a pursuing nursing student and all). If anything, brush up on the basics of the science portion like chemistry, organ location/ function, and situational things. you'll do great!
1,154 Posts
Public libraries and your school library has copies!! :)