Published Jun 7, 2009
435 Posts
I was talking with a friend of mine who is also a nursing student and we started talking about if not nursing what So I was just curious if anyone has any other plans if you cant get into nursing school or if the wait list is too long if you have any other plans?
82 Posts
Well fortunately I got into nursing school but if I hadn't gotten in, I always knew I wanted to do something related to health care or health sciences. I thought about going into physiology and doing something with sports medicine or physical therapy.
400 Posts
I'll finish my education degree. I have an associate in it already. Then I'll try to get into an Accelerated BSN program. :)
706 Posts
I can't imagine a job outside of healthcare. If I don't get into a nursing school *shudder*, I'll become a sonographer. That is the only career I wanted to be more than a nurse.
bluechick112, BSN, MSN, RN
371 Posts
I'm sort of in the same position right now. Just last week my friend and I were talking about what we'd do if we didn't get into nursing. We both decided we'd pursue something like a BA/BS degree and get into an accelerated program for nursing somewhere. However, I was thinking (before we came up with that plan), that I'd get into education. I know it's not much salary-wise, but honestly anything I can do where I'm helping kids is something I'd be interested in doing.
511 Posts
if i dont get in, i'm joining the peace corps. no really, im serious.
274 Posts
If for some reason I wasn't able to persue nursing anymore I'd probably end up in sonography or nuclear medicine.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
If I don't get into my school of choice at a private school because of loans (grades won't be the reason) I will retake a bunch of old (20+ yrs) classes and apply to the local University. I'm not giving up, if it takes me longer and different schools, then I will do it.
86 Posts
If I don't get in to any of the cc or csu that I plan on applying, I will apply at MSMC. It cost a lot but they never turn down any applicants.
129 Posts
I don't know..competition over at MSMC is starting to get fierce. I applied to their Accelerated BSN this year, and they had 300 apps for 40 slots! I think a lot of people are turning to MSMC as a backup school, but even over there things are starting too look slim. There just isn't enough faculty/facilities to support the numbers of students wanting to go into the nursing field right now...
135 Posts
Respiratory therapy is my back up plan.
Hi touchhealth,
I know a few people who will be starting this September for the ADN program, and they are not the best students in the class, they just happen to have parents with money who can actually send them to MSMC. I am not sure how fierce is the competition with their BSN program; my sister in law and her friend attended MSMC 4 years ago.
I don't know..competition over at MSMC is starting to get fierce. I applied to their accelerated BSN this year, and they had 300 apps for 40 slots! I think a lot of people are turning to MSMC as a backup school, but even over there things are starting too look slim. There just isn't enough faculty/facilities to support the numbers of students wanting to go into the nursing field right now...