Do you keep your personal life private while in nursing school?


Do you keep your personal wherabouts to yourself--such as if you have a family, if you work, etc?

I've learned to not reveal much to myself because there seems to be other students who get quite bitter or jealous that someone else

a. doesn't have to work

b. doesn't have any children

c. gets financial aid

I became friends with a woman during my pre requisite classes. We really clicked and I felt like I had known her my whole life. I opened up and told her everything, about my financial status, who was helping me pay school, etc. And she became very jealous by telling me that if she has to work full time, then so should I. It was ridiculous.

I've encountered other students like this before, so I have made it a habit to keep my personal life very private to avoid any hostility from other students who may have more responsibility than I do

Specializes in Operating Room.

Yeah for the most I do because bottom line when you share too much or you trust too many people it bites you in the butt. I have a tendency to share too much when I am comfortable or we are all talking about the same topic with ease. You will be surprised how easily your business becomes everybody else's business and you didn't even know it. It is just best to either stay to yourself (which I had to learn the hard way), be careful who you speak to, and if all else fails mind your own darn business

And this is coming from someone who is in a small nursing class and I barely speak to anyone outside the school unless we are in a clinical and need to contact each other or need some help. Other than that I speak to practically anyone

I feel like it's more professional to keep things private. With that being said, I have a hard time keeping my private life, private because I'm open and school and work (in a lot of ways) are my outlet from home. I'm a stay at home mom with two kids, and a full time student. My life is kids and school. I would think that it would be hard to keep those things to myself when I'm with the same people all the time. How ridiculous is it that someone you consider a friend would outwardly be so jealous. That's crazy and childish on her part.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I tend to keep to myself when it comes to class. Very much an MYOB person. I try not to butt into people's business and I don't like when people butt into mine. Typically, I'm friendly with everyone (just don't tick me off, because I will speak my mind) but I'm not going to actively seek out new best friends in nursing school. If I have questions or concerns pertaining to nursing school that I feel a classmate can help with I'll ask, but I have other friends I've known for years that I go to with "life issues".

So far I haven't been all that private. I've enjoyed getting to know some of my classmates and we will sit and swap stories about our kids, etc. But...I don't blurt my whole life out for the world to see. I'm pretty introverted and like to keep things close, but I'm making an effort to make friends at school because I think it will be good to have people to share with who are going through the same program. So I guess I share, but don't overshare. :)

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

I am EXTREMELY jealous of childless people in school! I'm also jealous of filthy rich people and people who are already finished with school and the Victorias Secret Angels and anyone who has ever dated Channing Tatum and people with hot tubs and Louboutins.

But I highly doubt any of those people care if I'm jealous or revolve their lives around it, so why should you? I'm not going to beat you up in the parking lot after class or spread rumors about your mom. It's just that whole "grass is greener" thing.

I've never had a run-in with someone seriously and aggressively jealous of any of the amazing (eye roll) aspects of my life, so maybe I'm just not seeing the possible consequences

Not everybody is like that. Sure, there are some things you reserve for only the people closest to you, but you need to build a relationship with these people because you will be relying on each other to get through this. In order to do that, you need to invest some of yourself into the relationship to establish trust. I have to work and I don't have problems with other people who either by luck or great planning don't, good for them.

Don't let 1 person scare you off of what could be some of the best friendships you ever had.

Specializes in ICU.

Yes, I do. But that is because I am an intensely private person.

I do not and have never relied on my classmates (I think that was one of the words used up-thread). My family is my support system. They get me through the day to day. I have sounding boards, shoulders to cry on, and partners in crime outside of school and I prefer to maintain a separation.

I'm in my second trimester (we go in the summer too :( ) and our class of 42 (started at 75) is fairly close. We talk about our families, husbands, wives, jobs, etc a lot but mostly in general terms nothing too TMI if that makes sense. We don't really have any clique issues and are pretty supportive of each other. After reading some of the horror stories on here I'm pretty thankful that I'm in such a tight nit class. Our clinical instructors rock too. I consider myself very luck

I am EXTREMELY jealous of childless people in school! I'm also jealous of filthy rich people and people who are already finished with school and the Victorias Secret Angels and anyone who has ever dated Channing Tatum and people with hot tubs and Louboutins.

:rotfl: Thanks for the laugh. I love Tatum and Louboutins...sadly I've never had either of them :(!!!

Specializes in trauma and neuro.

I generally don't. That is because my cohort is awesome and we all get a long so well, I can honestly call a lot of them my friends.

Specializes in Pediatrics.
In school and the work environment --- LESS IS BEST. At least until you get to know and trust those around you.

I agree because it takes time to really know who have your best interest at heart. So take your time with new people, yes we are in nursing school and we will/should become LIKE family but everyones motives are different. Just be careful because some programs are 12-18 months and you don't want to have bitter relationships that long because someone got jealous over something you said or did. Just my opinion. Good luck in you walk as a SN

I dont talk about my personal life in detail. When people ask me about personal things like my relationship, I will just say we have been together for awhile and I am happy. Then I change the subject to something not so personal like a tv show or the movies or something. I dont want to shut people out,I am friendly. I just prefer to keep school/work separate from my personal life.

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