Diversion for Criminal Charges

Nurses Recovery


Just curious...how many people here have been charged with a felony for diverting at work and recieved diversion for these charges. My public defender is trying to get this by showing im in an extensive rehab program aka monitoring. I just wandered how likely it is or if anyone else has gotten this. I know it doesnt mean i will but I am curious.

Specializes in 15 years in OR.
On 2/7/2019 at 2:47 PM, Rdsrn said:

@nurse.etcI am REALLY hoping for a diversion agreement. I would even be happy with drug court in order to get a dismissal. Although my public defender thinks that's a bit overkill with me already being in monitoring. ?. Im to the point where I just don't want the felony, as long as its reduced to misdeameanor I would be happy. Im only charged with one. But at the end of the day I know I only have myself to blame. I do believe that whatever is supposed to happen will happen though. Learning a lot about just accepting things that I cannot control. I am doing absolutely everything I can do. The rest is out of my hands. But I do enjoy getting other peoples input and stories.

Who was filing the charges?? The employer or the sbon, I recently was fired for admitting to taking a narc from the pyxis, they told me they will have to report to the nursing board, but never mentioned any charges. Should I get a lawyer??? I really cant afford one, especially since I no longer have an income. I don't know what to do, how long to wait, etc. I have thought about getting a job at a store or something just so I can eat and pay my mortgage. Any insight will be appreciated

@Surgerynurse hey there! So my employer filed a complaint with the board who forwarded it to the attorney generals office who then investigated the claims. They researched all my charting and Pyxis records, they decided to file charges. So basically it was the state of Indiana that filed charges against me. I did not get a lawyer I got a public defender. Charges were filed about 3 months after I got the complaint from the AG office. They initially asked me to respond with my statement which I did. They then continued the investigation. (An investigator wanted to speak with me which I declined bc I did not have representation).

@Surgerynurse if I were you I’d get ahead of the game and try to get enrolled In Your states recovery program for nurses because the board will eventually require that and it could drag out for a long time. You may not go in front of them for some time and I think it’s best not to drag out the process.

Do criminal cases happen a lot with diversion? If so, will they take into account if you've gotten help/treatment?

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