After almost 3 years and more of hard studying and dedication, I was dissmissed from the program. I know that it was something personal with my teacher and I would please like some imput and opinions. The reason I was dissmissed was because I was about to administer lovenox ,and I know it's an anticoagulant and a subcutaneous injection, and I was also taught that the best site to administer this medication is in the abdominal region, but I did not know it was the ONLY site like my teacher said. I gathered a couple of information from cardiology sites and from lovenox and they said that there has been no studies or evidence that administeing at any other subcutaneous site could be a harm, threat or interfere with the patient's treatment , but that the manufacturer reccomends that the preffered site for maximum absorption is the abdomen.But can this really be a motive for dissmissal? Please share your comments. Thank you.