
Specialties NP


Hi everyone,

i am an NP in california. Im working for Huntington memorial. There are a lot oc issues bugging me as an BP working with internal medicine group in regards to conflicting comments by fellow MDs or them not wanting an NP on board which is fine. but the main would be meal stipend that NPs can not get and all Mds would.

I have reached out to physicians services snd they told me its the hospital board that makes decisions and I am preparing to move forward and talk to them.

Any advice?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

You need to get with the other mid-levels at your facility. They probably aren't organized or vocal which is why something so petty has been allowed to continue. I would definitely pursue it but would not recommend going it alone.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I have a different opinion - is this the hill you wanna die on?

Is this such a big deal? Or is this a symptom of something more sinister? For me, I wouldn't care about a meal stipend. However, if I was getting negative comments from attendings/residents that they didn't like working with NPs or felt they were incompetent - I would be there with you.

Meal stipend - not so much.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
I have a different opinion - is this the hill you wanna die on?

Is this such a big deal? Or is this a symptom of something more sinister? For me, I wouldn't care about a meal stipend. However, if I was getting negative comments from attendings/residents that they didn't like working with NPs or felt they were incompetent - I would be there with you.

Meal stipend - not so much.

You make a good point about picking battles but I live for the free pepsi and kettle chips in the physician's lounge! lol But seriously this, and things like physician's parking lot privileges, are signs of the facility's lack of value for our services. I find that unfortunate and in need of an update however it has to be done in an organized and articulate way. OP needs to lose the term discrimination because that will drive it in a direction no one wants to go.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Agree Jules. When I worked at the "big hospital system" in town, we had the "provider placards" for our cars, access to the provider lounge, but no kettle chips or soda - lol.

Only stale coffee....I need to move to California.

A free chicken sandwich isn't worth working at a place like that.

not sure if discrimination is the right word for this. Honestly could care less if PA/APRN have access to the lounge. If they bring in good bucks to hospital then let them. But please dont call the lack of it discrimination. its just an institutional policy...

I know its 2018 and feelings>facts but we can't just go around calling everything we tend to not agree with discrimination.

Specializes in Case Manager/Administrator.

OK here goes from a RN and Administrator my view on this...

I agree with what others said and why pick this fight??? But to allow some education for us all here is my view

To me there are many reasons why there should be division from higher level staff verses lower level staff.

There is what is called Disparate Impact verses Disparate Treatment.

The D-Treatment means when your employer is treating employees less favorable than others based on race, sex, religion...your employer will be guilty if it is the intent to discriminate as a motivation.

The D-Impact deals with best practices at your work with employee traits, and if your employer shows these actions are necessary and no cause for concern, then the intent is not there. Example salary verses hourly employees and how they take their time off to include comp time. You would not give an hourly employee comp time, maybe over time but not comp. Salary employee we work till we drop and we get comp time. It is a business necessity. Another example is the medical library (old school I am) The facility should have actual books or e-books on medical subjects for all licensed staff. It is a business necessity. We do not have books about Mechanical HVAC or general housekeeping, not meaning to have an adverse effect on those positions, but to keep those challenging position of MD/licensed staff filled, with happy people. Again it is Business 101.

The D-Impact is where your concern falls. I would gladly pay for a provider lounge for MD's and not PA/NP just to keep my providers happy and employed at my hospital not the one down the street. . It is so much easier to replace NP/PA's then a MD. It is strictly business 101.

In 21 states NP can practice/prescribe without physician oversight. The other states require some sort of physician oversight measured three ways 1) percentage of time the doctor is on site, 2) how many medical records are reviewed, and 3) how many patient require consults.

So in my mind if the majority of states require some doctor oversight then those provider MD only rooms are even more important, but more importantly you are not their peer, they more than likely are your supervisor in some capacity.

Should we have rooms for everyone, yes we call then break room designation.

Not sure why you would choose this as a big issue when clearly there are many more issues exceeding the acuity level of being in the same room as the doctor. You can come to my house for dinner I have 3 doctors monthly sitting at my dinner table one is an orthopedic surgeon, one is a Rheumatologist and one is a Dentist, they are my 2nd cousins and make a ruckus, but I have never heard them complain of designated rooms for prescribing providers only. I do get a lot of heck about Administrator issues though but I give them heck right back.

To me there are many reasons why there should be division from higher level staff verses lower level staff.

Do you make it clear to all your employees who is considered "lower level staff"? They must love that!

In 21 states NP can practice/prescribe without physician oversight.

It is 23 states just for the record.

It is 23 states just for the record.

Love ya.

Specializes in Psychiatric and Mental Health NP (PMHNP).

Doesn't Huntington also have reputation that you can only work there if you are good-looking?

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