most difficult part of nursing school?


Hello all :)

I am not yet a nursing student...still contemplating whether or not to apply to nursing school. I have all the pre-reqs done and have a lot of healthcare support personnel role background.

I am wondering if some of you nursing students would be willing to share what you think is the most difficult aspect of nursing school.

I'd love to hear what you have to share and would really appreciate it :)

1. getting in

2. jumping through hoops

3. figuring out what is the "right" way when everyone has a different right way

4. feeling stupid

5.trying not to feel stupid with all the brainiac students around you, esp people who are extremely competitive or remember every single detail of everything in the book

6. having confidence in yourself

7. but the #1 one hardest part is fiinding a job after graduation in this market. its brutal.

sure you want to chose nursing? there are other health care fields that are more marketable right now, do your research before you settle on nursing.

good luck.

Worst part:

Being evaluated on skills/check-offs! - I get so nervous with one person watching my every move!!!

Nursing home/med-surg clinicals - I want to work in OB, NICU, or public health, so 90% of the clinicals we do are very hard for me to get excited about, although I do love the patients, it's not my passion, which makes it difficult.

Clinicals, skills, care plans, high anxiety, lack of sleep. Knowing that doing skills in lab and in clinical are as different as night and day but your instructor doesn't seem to care if it's your 1st time doing skill x in clinical and doesn't try to help you through it:confused: Sorry, don't mean to scare you. I'm just a little bitter:mad:

Oh, I am LOVING this feedback! This is really helpful for those of us who are applying for Nursing School. :rolleyes:

1) Being so incredibly exhausted that your ability to handle the smallest things outside of nursing are shot and you find yourself a little over emotional all the time

2) working your heart out but still not getting the A's like you use to, getting the praise like you use to, in fact getting called out on things that may not even be your fault

3)jumping through so many hoops i think i could join the circus

4) realizing that nursing school is just something you have to survive in order to achieve your really awesome goal of becoming a nurse, no one ever said it was going to be easy, and well my dream of it being fun wasn't realistic either

5)people saying they understand but unless they're in nursing school they have no idea

6)being broke all the time

7)i'm burnt out when i'm at school or studying and guilty when i'm not at school or studying

8)it turned me from a type b to a type A anal personality

9) i'm now 3,000 miles away from my family

10) it feels like nursing school is taking forever

***with all this being said I have met some amazing people, professors included, in nursing school and I still can't wait to be a the end it's all worth it


So what do you think of being a nurse now?

Specializes in -.

- 40 page assignments !

- Bitchiness / hyper competitiveness / backstabbing from other students

- Early wake ups ( I'm NOT a morning person, can you tell ? Lol)

Most difficult parts...

1. The lack of natural minded instructors.

2. OB rotation

3. Time away from my kids.

Most difficult parts...

1. The lack of natural minded instructors.

2. OB rotation

3. Time away from my kids.

Why would you say OB rotation for being difficult? I have my OB rotation coming up soon so I'd love to hear.

I LOVED OB! And that wasn't even an area I was really interested in. It was so cool to see live births (even though I didn't even get to see a Csxn or episiotomy or ANYTHING cool...good for the patients not for me!! lol) It's a whole different thing learning solely about women but it was cool because for me it was the first time we had a class on a specialty and not general med/surg. It was interesting, I think every class is what you make of it. If you go into it thinking it will be cool to learn new things you've never learned before then the curiosity will help you do better in my opinion.

Why would you say OB rotation for being difficult? I have my OB rotation coming up soon so I'd love to hear.

For me it was mentally difficult. I'm a natural minded person so seeing all those inductions/c-sections, mutilated memberes and bottles really made me sad at how America views birth. If you're like every other person here, I'm sure you'll enjoy the rotation though.

time management

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