Hello, I am a new nursing student. This is my first year in the program. I started at a technical college because I wanted to get my ADN until my mom sent me an article that employers prefer BSN over ADN. However, with my online research I am finding there isn't much difference. As a new nursing student nursing school is overwhelming and hit me like a ton of bricks. It is definitely the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I can't believe I still have 2 1/2 years left. Not only that I've realized as a first year nurse it doesn't get much easier. I transferred to a private school and had to a take a year of religion classes before getting into the program and my school debt is piling up. I am concerned that the BSN and ADN pay scale is so similar adding to my concern about paying off student loans. Also, what are there any incentives to BSN besides advanced practice? Do BSN's offer better patient care and patient outcomes? Will BSN give me more job options? Will have better hours? (as in not having to work third shift)