Did you take pathophysiology? How hard was it?

Nursing Students Student Assist

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My local college has been talking about requiring pathphysiology for ADN/RN course, and the BSN school here already requires it..so...looks like I may have to take it,,,,how hard is patho as compared to A&P? thanks.

I actually enjoyed pathophysiology more than A&P, thought it was a lot easier. You still have to work for your grade though. I got a B last semester for part 1 and was surprised because I did think it took a lot of work. Now I'm taking part 2 and just took my final I'm guessing I got a B again. This time I never read the book, I find it to be more complicated than it really is. I focused on lectures, notes, and slides. Never missed a class!

Hi does anyone have info on the NLN exam? I need to pass it to get registered for the nclex..... Please any info would do. Thanks

I am taking patho this summer and after the first week I only have an 85% which is my lowest grade ever. In all my pre-reqs I got 95% or higher! I love the material but hate the class. The instructor just has pdf notes and then he reads them outloud and posts a video that has no video, just the notes with audio in the background. I am really considering paying for pathophysiology online just so I can learn something while taking the class! So far I have copied all the notes, answered all the questions in the book and then took the quiz. I know one of my answers that I got wrong was right according to the book but the instructor says that no students have complained before so I shouldn't be either! I am so disappointed in this course. It is my first class at University instead of community college and I am really hoping the other instructors here are not this uninformative when I start the RN program this fall.

Specializes in Med-Surg/urology.

*hangs head in shame* Patho was the only class I had to retake while I did my LPN program. The first time around I was not really "there" in terms of studying..the second time around I focused a lot more & definitely paid attention to the chapter reviews & study content that came with the book. It was a lot of help. I definitely recommend concentrating on Patho, b/c when I took the NCLEX, a few of my questions resembled what I had on Patho tests.

I thought Pathophysiology was a very interesting class. I loved it... I found it to be relatively easy. As long as I put in 6-8 hrs of studying for each test, I made an easy A. It is required for our BSN program.

Very interesting class, pretty difficult...As long as you have a strong grasp of A&P you'll do fine and you'll find the class more interesting...The case studies are great...Just finished this class last Friday and pulled an A (one of three in a class of 40+) but I really really worked at it...Have fun!

Specializes in Customer service.

No, I didn't take it but the pharm class has pathophysiology in it. My instructor is fabulous at explaining it and is dumbing it down. It's like having med surg with pharmacology at the same time. He is that excellent at it. I wish I could clone a professor like him, so everyone can enjoy the painful class. 

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