Did you lose weight?

Nurses General Nursing


Hi, I'm wondering if any nurses here found that they noticed any weight changes after they started working? Lose some due to moving around a lot, gained any for whatever reason (stress maybe?), or simply just stayed the same?

Specializes in Photolab technician.

I started college and lost 22 lbs my first semester, and I ate fast food every single day. Granted I worked out 2-3 times per week, but I held the same diet (if not worse) and lost weight.

If you're not doing some form of exercise besides stressing yourself out, you're going to gain weight. I make it a point during school to work out more than I do during summer. What else do we/did we do during school? Eat, study, sleep. None of those burn many calories lol.

When in school, I do a 30 minute jog in the morning before I even shower. It "gets your blood runnin'" and gives you a good boost in the morning, and I don't have to tell you that it's great exercise. My RHR is 45 currently.

Specializes in med/surg.
Hi, I'm wondering if any nurses here found that they noticed any weight changes after they started working? Lose some due to moving around a lot, gained any for whatever reason (stress maybe?), or simply just stayed the same?

Gained weight due to stuffing quick fix carbs in the few minutes break I got!

Lost it when I returned to nursing (following child rearing break - where of course I had gained weight) because DETERMINED not to eat quick fix carbs in the few minutes break I got!

Gained it with all the stress of doing my N-CLEX to try & become a US RN!!

Now trying to lose it again!:chuckle

Specializes in Nursing assistant.

two words: Hard boiled eggs.

Wait, that's three words.

two words: Hard boiled eggs.

Wait, that's three words.

:lol2: Do you happen to work nights?? LOL!!

Specializes in certified med tech and Lpn.

I work out 5-6 mornings a week and I eat breakfast every morning. That's one thing I never skip. I drink a lot of water already and I'm hoping to not overeat during the stress. One good thing is when I'm studying hard, I don't eat much. I try not to make excuses for eating something that's not good for me like " this hamburger with no bun and a little cheese is only this many calories and fat" :lol2: You can't take it back once it's in. I try to eat right but I'll admit it, I love food. I eat a lot of FF yogurt to satify my sweet tooth and fresh fruit too. Good luck to all that is trying to lose the weight.

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, critial care.

I lost weight in LVN school and was looking "emaciated" according to my Dad. It was pretty bad. I gained about ten pounds back by regular workouts and a live-in boyfriend who likes to eat well. Now I'm starting to lose it again from all the stress of LVN-RN program plus work.

Specializes in Adult Hematology/Oncology.

I am about to enter my last semester of nursing school. I have gained almost 50 lbs due to the torture they put us through. Fortunately, I wasn't a very big person to start with. You don't take the time to cook something good for yourself, so you live on fast food. Or you're depressed about how things are going, so you do the "I don't care how many calories are in that, I'm eating it anyway". Plus I drank more booze due to the stress. :chuckle

I worked as a student extern this summer on 7p-7a shift, and I lost about 10 lbs so far. Working is not nearly as stressful to me. Plus I think I ate less because of it being nights.

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro.

Well, in NS I gained about 30 lbs. Now that that's finished I have lost 25 since graduation (12 weeks). I am pretty much where I started and will continue to lose thanks to Weight Watchers!!!

Specializes in Infectious Disease.

Well, I gained over 20 pounds stressing about getting accepted into nursing school and then trying to be the best nursing student I could be. I studied constantly, ate the wrong foods at odd hours, slept very little, and never worked out. I felt miserable. I'm now going into my third semester and have made some pretty positive changes. I have implemented a mandatory "me" hour everyday. I use that time to work out and listen to my favorite music. I get on my elliptical machine and groove to old school hip hop, disco, Motown, and 80's music. I feel alert, alive, and refreshed afterward. I have also started taking a multi-vitamin and eating more fruits and vegetable. Most importantly, I don't snack late at night. I went to the doctor's yesterday for my PPD and found out I am down 17 lbs. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

Going back to school will be a real test. I have made myself a schedule so I can keep up with my "me" time. 9pm-10pm is my time. My youngest child is in bed by 8:30pm and my older two know not to disturb me when I'm working out. Luckily for me, I do very little at my job so I can get the vast majority of my studying done at work. I refuse to revert back to my bad habits. Besides, I'm looking pretty cute these days...

i gained over 30 pounds in nursing school during my one year LPN program. That is horrible! I also stopped having a period, (sorry if this is TMI!) and had bilateral nipple D/C!! My prolactin levels are increased, and I am waiting on an MRI to see if I have a mass on my Pituitary gland. Needless to say, nursing school really did a number on me!!

Specializes in Nursing assistant.
:lol2: Do you happen to work nights?? LOL!!

I used to, but my circadian clock rebelled, and fearing a psychotic episode I went back to days.

But yes, hard boiled eggs are the only digestible food on night shift. And lots of water. Oddly, I gained on nights any how....another reason to return to days: to preserve my girlish figure.

When I first started working, my weight stayed pretty consistant (worked all 3 shifts!) Seems like when I became unhappy with my work situation, I started stress eating and gained a bunch! Currently working at getting rid of the weight by being more aware of my triggers.

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