Did anyone else have a difficult time in A&P II ?( have to take a second time)


Hi, I'm new to allnurses.com and just found this (blog?) about Burlington County Community College. I'm hoping that someone out there can lend me some helpful hints and encouragement. I just completed A&P II at BCC but did not pass. The instructor offered to give me an X so that it does not reflect my GPA, so i took her offer. I am not really worried about my GPA right now I am just wondering if I am in the right school for me. Personally, I am going through a lot (divorce, selling of house, etc) and was carrying a full time class schedule. I got an A in philosophy and a B+ in A&P Lab. But those tests in A&P II drove me crazy. I did everything I could think of to succedd: joined a study group, studied the coloring book, studied ADAM. I am feeling frustrated because so many of the students were cheating and I know they passed. I am sorry to say that I went to the teacher to tell her about a student sitting right next to me cheating off of index cards and the teacher did nothing!! I know this person passed and I am feeling so discouraged. I am a returning adult student and so do not have all the time in the world to get this degree (which I truly want). DOes anyone have any words of advise? I already registered to take the same class this summer (ten weeks). I know I can do it but am feeling down. Thanks.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.


I also failed AP II by 2points from a C and the instructor wouldnt budge on curving the grade to a C!!! I was devasted and I am also a mom who is back in school and I also didnt have time for that let down, but as the years have passed now ( I will graduate from RN in December) I am glad I repeated the class I had more knowledge for the material and I learned more in the long run, and trust me you will need this class for nursing!!! Is this the only class your taking this summer? If so absorb the information, and you will probaly learn more the second time around! Dont beat yourself up as I did (I went to my girlfriends house and cried and we drank wine together) It will pay off in the long run I promise!!!!! Hang in there and keep going for your goal:)

Thanks for replying. I decided to take just A&P II this summer. I will take microbiology and psychology starting September and then Chemistry beginning January. I appreciate hearing from you all.

Specializes in ED, ICU, Education.

I think it's a great idea that you are focusing on just the one class this summer. You will find that it is easier as you have already learned the information...now you can focus on understanding it. I remember my Patho class in college was super-hard, and there were only three tests which were each worth 30%. We all complanied so much that it was too much info to cover and remember for a test so the prof changed it to a quiz every week to cover the content just learned. It totally bumped the curve up and everybody passed (we actually enjoyed the class much more as well). I also found that using pneumonics for almost every illness, manifestation, nursing care and treatment made things even better. As for the student who cheated: He/she will get what's coming to them when they are in clinicals and know nothing. Best of luck to you!!!

Just a suggestion from experience. Microbiology is interesting but very difficult because it requires a lot of study time. It would be a better road if you took Chemistry and Psychology together in the fall, and save Micro for the spring.

Just a suggestion from experience. Microbiology is interesting but very difficult because it requires a lot of study time. It would be a better road if you took Chemistry and Psychology together in the fall, and save Micro for the spring.

I agree comepletely, I took Chem in the summer, and the info was familiar and helpful when I took micro. Science was not really my thing in high school (quarter of a century ago) and I had to study my rear end off, but with hard work (and probably a little bit of luck), I was able to pull out an "A" in both classes. Take Lestelle84's advice and take chem 1st.


Wow, when I read your post, it was like reading something I wrote. I, too, am going through a divorce, selling my home, and taking A&P II this summer! Plus my schools initials are BCC! lol Anyway, I think that if you are only able to retake your AP II this summer and take only that class, then you should be fine. You have already heard the information and learned the majority of it. If you must do a full course load this summer, then take the easiest classes possible and online if possible. I needed another course for the second part of the Summer session but it overlaps my A&P class. I looked up all the professors that were teaching this course online to find the easiest one (ratemyprofessor.com). I hope this helps and I think you will be able to get through it.

I just passed AP2 lecture with a C, and AP2 lab with an A. I go to PBCC.I was not happy about it at all considering you have to have the best grades to get into nursing school these days. Out of a class of 32 people,there were 8 left to take the final,half of them passed the final and I ended up with an 83. I tried the study groups but they did not work for me. So I took a few dry erase markers and used my long mirrors in my house and broke everything down that I was not understanding.From the moment I started doing that everything came so much easier!You are not the only one struggling with this!!!lol. I got a 65 on the first test,a 58 on the 2nd(I was so blown,i studied for days with a study group for that one and started crying in class).After I tried my new little technique,I got the highest grade on the 3rd test(90) and an 83 on my final. From my experience Anatomy teachers do not curve!Try and see this class as a second language,if u know the meanings of the prefixes and suffixes it helps so much!Commit at least an hour of study time a day and re-read what youve studied after youve studied it. You can do it!What I do to encourage myself everytime I dont understand anything is I ask myself "Are you the least smart person trying to get into nursing school?" NO, and neither are you. Once you start getting it and understanding Anatomy,your confidence will shoot through the roof,and you will feel like you can take any class thats thrown at you.lol.Good Luck and dont get discouraged,you will be fine.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Just a suggestion from experience. Microbiology is interesting but very difficult because it requires a lot of study time. It would be a better road if you took Chemistry and Psychology together in the fall, and save Micro for the spring.

It can also vary a lot person to person. I struggled a lot in A&P 1&2 but did good in Chem and Organic Chem and did great in Micro. I had to take my A&P twice.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Wow, when I read your post, it was like reading something I wrote. I, too, am going through a divorce, selling my home, and taking A&P II this summer! Plus my schools initials are BCC! lol Anyway, I think that if you are only able to retake your AP II this summer and take only that class, then you should be fine. You have already heard the information and learned the majority of it. If you must do a full course load this summer, then take the easiest classes possible and online if possible. I needed another course for the second part of the Summer session but it overlaps my A&P class. I looked up all the professors that were teaching this course online to find the easiest one (ratemyprofessor.com). I hope this helps and I think you will be able to get through it.

Not always the best suggestion IMO. I have had an easy professor, he was the nicest person, made the class very easy, we would play jeopardy right before the test and it was questions direct from the test. I didn't use RMP to pick him but I heard about how "great" he was. I did this for my second time taking A&P. My first teacher was a new teacher and was really hard. At my school a passing grade was 2.5 and was on quarters not semesters. I was taking 18 credits a quarter.

After getting in nursing school I wish I would have retaken with the harder teacher. Having the teacher making the class so easy I retained little and when I started nursing school 4-5 years later I was wondering how on earth I passed A&P I had to pretty much relearn the stuff all over again.

So while my teacher was easy and great, it wasn't helpful.

Not always the best suggestion IMO. I have had an easy professor, he was the nicest person, made the class very easy, we would play jeopardy right before the test and it was questions direct from the test. I didn't use RMP to pick him but I heard about how "great" he was. I did this for my second time taking A&P. My first teacher was a new teacher and was really hard. At my school a passing grade was 2.5 and was on quarters not semesters. I was taking 18 credits a quarter.

After getting in nursing school I wish I would have retaken with the harder teacher. Having the teacher making the class so easy I retained little and when I started nursing school 4-5 years later I was wondering how on earth I passed A&P I had to pretty much relearn the stuff all over again.

So while my teacher was easy and great, it wasn't helpful.

I didn't mean pick the easiest teachers for AP because you really do have to learn the material. I meant picking the easiest teachers for gen. education classes (which are the only ones online, AP is not). For example, I had to have a communications course, a computer course, a second english course, etc. For those I picked the easiest because why pick a difficult gen. ed. course while taking tough AP classes, ya know? For AP, I did look the teachers up but I checked to how their organization was, how the students felt they did learning the subject, and a general feel about the teacher. Through this, I picked the BEST AP I teacher and earned (and I mean EARNED) an A in her class. If I had decided to go with my original choice of AP I teacher with out checking RMP, I would have been stuck in a class with a teacher who had the WORST accent and most of the students didn't understand a single word the man was saying. I found this out after I had to make up a lab when he was teaching. I am so glad I used the RMP because I would have never gotten an A under his instruction. Hope this clears up what I meant!

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