Did anyone else have a difficult time in A&P II ?( have to take a second time)

Nurses General Nursing


Hi, I'm new to allnurses.com and just found this (blog?) about Burlington County Community College. I'm hoping that someone out there can lend me some helpful hints and encouragement. I just completed A&P II at BCC but did not pass. The instructor offered to give me an X so that it does not reflect my GPA, so i took her offer. I am not really worried about my GPA right now I am just wondering if I am in the right school for me. Personally, I am going through a lot (divorce, selling of house, etc) and was carrying a full time class schedule. I got an A in philosophy and a B+ in A&P Lab. But those tests in A&P II drove me crazy. I did everything I could think of to succedd: joined a study group, studied the coloring book, studied ADAM. I am feeling frustrated because so many of the students were cheating and I know they passed. I am sorry to say that I went to the teacher to tell her about a student sitting right next to me cheating off of index cards and the teacher did nothing!! I know this person passed and I am feeling so discouraged. I am a returning adult student and so do not have all the time in the world to get this degree (which I truly want). DOes anyone have any words of advise? I already registered to take the same class this summer (ten weeks). I know I can do it but am feeling down. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my post and reply. I was feeling a little down this morning thinking of how I would have to tell family that i have to repeat a class. BUT, then I logged onto this fantastic site and read all of your encouraging words! I'M going to turn my thoughts around and use them to do great on this upcoming summer class.

By the way, when I register for classes at my school, the registrar always tells me that they do not know who is teaching the class until the last minute. I've even asked the supervisor of registration but she told me the same thing. It isn't until I am in a class and, if I like the teacher, I ask them what other classes they teach. I have gone onto rate my professor and find it very helpful. Have a great day everyone!

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