Published Jan 16, 2015
69 Posts
I was wondering have any other nursing students experienced depression during nursing school.. It's like.. You can't work, sleep deprived, and on top of all of that your finances are sucked dry..
40 Posts
Nursing school is hard. You are bombarded with studying, homework, tests, clinicals. Friends and family don't understand why you don't have time to "hang out". Oh, and the money situation sucks too, especially if you can't work atleast a couple days a week. The thing to keep in mind is-this is only temporary. Once you get through the program & pass the nclex, you will be left with a very rewarding career. You will have lots of free time, money in your pocket and a respectable job. If you are having situational depression, go talk to may need a temporary mood stabilizer to help you get through this tough program. Also, remember to set aside some YOU time to wind down and relax! Keep your head up! Hope this helps:)
119 Posts
What are some good mood stabilizers to take, before I even begin? LOL
186 Posts
Probably not joking about mood stabilizers might be a start. Some people (even nurses and nursing students), actually need medications to get through the day and not be "actually depressed", what you seem to experiencing is called stress.
I can Imagine, all I see online and instagram is how hard it is. What are some good ones? I prefer Natural.
152 Posts
With respect, this is not the OP, and I do not believe she is joking. I think she is seriously asking for help.
some good mood stabilizers are omega 3s, and Vit D4. Getting as much sunlight or bright lighting is helpful too. Try to exercise but that is of course very difficult time wise. At least study in very well light areas.
To the OP., yes I am feeling depressed with school, to the point I am wondering if this was the right thing for me to do at all. My dh is very supportive but it's taking a toll. I graduate 5 months from today, it's a 10 month program. No way I'm quitting now, but I still question my choice at least once a week. I am personally prone to depression and I do take medication for it. It helps a lot, but nothing can make it "all better" but hard work and time...
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
If one has depression, it would be best to seek out professional help; you may or may not need pharmacological interventions; per TOS, we can not give out medical advice; however, we can definitely encourage to seek out professional help.
Look to your local area to see if there a low cost-sliding scale providers; also look into NAMI (national alliance of mental illness) for local groups or ways to help you manage your depression.
Best wishes.