depression & nursing school


I am in my 1st semester of nursing school (RN). Our semesters are about 10 weeks and I am only in my 5th week now. There are 5 total so I should graduate march 2011. I am feeling so depressed, I mean severely depressed to the point where I really don't even want to study. I sit in my room & study ALL day pretty much and cry half of the time. I have good grades in all my classes so far, haven't failed anything. I moved back home (several states away from my husband) to go to nursing school here when I found out i got accepted into the program. I quickly realized i HATE living back at home. It is SO hard and such an adjustment. There are 6 OTHER people in this house, including my 3 yr old neice and one of my sisters who I cannot stand to even look at, that's how much I really hate her. I don't really talk to my family anymore since I've been in school b/c I am just too depressed. I really miss my husband and am just too overwhelmed with all this work & I study NON stop. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I just am contemplating moving back home with my husband and quitting. He is active military and so he can't just come see me whenever he wants. I have so many student loans and don't know what else I will do if I quit and move back with him. I am so stressed out, more stressed out than I've ever been. I thought I really wanted to be a nurse but honestly I am thinking this just isn't worth it to me. I am so torn on this decision, any input is great appreciated! Thanks

Specializes in Home Care.

Don't give up! You're in a difficult transition phase and its something you'll get used to if you give it time.

Pick your battles wisely. Right now nursing school is your priority, not issues with the family you're staying with. Try to make peace with your family no matter how much they get on your nerves.

You can get through this. Be positive!

I feel for you! I am away from my husband all the time too (in fact, we have been in seperate living quarters for 8 years now). I couldn't live with my family, especially my mother! I understand your stress. I wouldn't quit nursing school, unless you really don't want to be a nurse. If it's the living environment that you hate, is it possible to move out? Get a roommate? Live on campus? I know that's extra money but the mental aspect of the family doesn't sound good. When you become a nurse, which isn't that far away, you can move back with your husband. That's what I keep telling myself anyway! Good luck and let us know your decision!

Specializes in Telemetry.

Don't quit! Be strong, you can do it! I have seen students in worst situation than what you are in and they make it. Think positive and know that God is able....He will move the mountain out of your way.

thanks everyone. I know I SHOULD stick with it I am just so depressed/stressed/overwhelmed right now. One day I will be fine with all the work and not really think much about it, just do it, then the next night i am in my room crying because I don't want to do this anymore. My family situation isn't SO bad, just my sister who I can't stand being here is the worse. She should be gone again within the next few weeks... hopefully. There would be no possible way i could move out. We are already paying rent where my husband lives, we have our own house on base there but we are living paycheck to paycheck right now. All of the expenses with nursing school are tough. I will do my best to stick with it no matter what but it is SO hard, 1000000x harder than I could've ever imagined. A yr & a half seems just SOOOOOOO far away it is hard to stay positive and not be discouraged. My teacher said that everyone feels like this right now but nobody REALLY understands how hard it is to be away from your husband on top of all this stress b/c the majority of the ppl in my class just complain about their husbands.. I am just alone here & not much of a support system now it seems like. We are newly married (1 year) and have already been apart for a year out of our 4 year relationship, it is just hard. Anyways, thanks for all of the encouragement, i am feeling a LITTLE better... until tomorrow i'm sure hah. Sometimes that postive reinforcement is good to keep you going for a few days.. Thanks though.

everyone has difficulties with nsg school and their home lives...some have children, some are single parents, some are separated from their spouse...the list is endless...just remember that this will END....your doing well and already sacrificed so much...tough it out...and this will soon be a distant ugly memory you can tuck away forever.....good luck!!!!!!!

have you been able to make friends in your nursing class? sometime study buddies or someone who knows what you are going through can give a massive amount of strength to you. it is not easy, but i know you can do it.


[color=#483d8b]are you on antidepressants? if not, see a doctor. you are in a high stress situation right now. they would help you concentrate and are not costly.


[color=#483d8b]find some kind of interest, whether it be walking, going to movies, or something other than studying and crying. that is no fun nor is good for you.


[color=#483d8b]i am at my 11 week 1st semester and i think it was about the 5th week that really jacked me up. nursing school is like a roller coaster ride, up and down and up and down, but eventually it will stop......


[color=#483d8b]good luck to you and keep your eye on the prize:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe

hi thank you, i appreciate it. Yes I do have friends, most of the people in my class are very nice and although they say they relate to how i'm feeling, nobody seems to REALLY relate. I dunno. I know there are worse situations I could be in, of course there is always something worse. I know this will all be worth it in the end I just hope I can force myself to actually make it to the end. Once I get half way through I will be happy just seems like sooo farrrr awayyy. I plan on going to see a psychologist, my insurance is really good and will cover 100% of it. I will find an hour out of the week to go. I just didn't want to start on anti depressants b/c I react weird to a lot of meds & at this stressful of a time I'd hate to take them & have it screw me up even more... you know? I am prescribed adderall 10mg but I think that might have contributed to these ups & downs i've been feeling. I started taking it about a week ago & the 4th day I felt severely depressed & almost quit school that day, maybe coincidence I dont know. I just stopped and started taking it as needed like for long lectures & on weekends.. well thanks for your advice & encouragement.

Hi there,

I can totally relate. I just began my 3rd quarter today. My projected graduation date is April 2011. I too have become very depressed and am wondering if I should continue. I just don't even want to get out of bed or go to class and I don't have any motivation to study. I feel scared, overwhelmed, nervous, angry and feel really stupid half the time. I am so afraid that I'm going to continue with school or get to the end and then end up hating my job. How do I know for sure that nursing is for me?? How does anyone know until they actually do it? It's still so early in the game and I an burnt out. I am tired of being broke too. I mean like major in debt all my bills are behind broke.

Seems like a lot of my class mates are super excited to continue and start clinicals. (they begin this week). I am scared to death. Today we learned how to take the pulse and BP for the first time and we broke into groups to practice. I was the only one in my group who couldn't get it right. the others had no trouble it seemed, hearing the sounds, finding the brachial pulse, letting the air out of the cuff. I couldn't hear the sounds, couldn't find the brachial pulse to save my life, couldn't get the little valve to open on the cuff with one hand. If I can't take a simple BP then I'm doomed. I cried from the time I got out of class this afternoon until just a few hours ago. I can't get rid of the anxiety and worry. I feel like if I do quit or if I fail my classes or if I just hate being a nurse in the end, then I am a huge failure and have wasted tons of time and money.

I really thought I wanted to do this before. I contemplated for a like 3 years before I applied to school even. Now I just don't know.

So, your not the only one. :crying2:

That's exactly how I feel. My teacher just talked to the whole class yesterday and told us that EVERYONE is feeling this way and EVERYONE wants to quit right now. I just feel like the whole class DOESN"T feel liek this, maybe a few but not everyone. I just feel like I can't quit because I have wasted so much in prerequ's at this college (which don't transfer equally anywhere) and time if I quit i have NO idea what I will do It sucks. I miss my husband so much. I feel like if I want to actually quit this early on how will i ever finish. March 2011 seems SO far away!!!!!!!! Well we will have to stay in touch b/c if we both finish we will be graduating at about the same time! And as far as blood pressures, everyone in my lcass had MAJOR trouble with them. The only reason I didn't it b/c I'm a medical assistant but really I haven't even worked as one and grad. almost 3 years ago so hasn't helped me much besides for that. But trust me, everyone is probably faking it. My teacher tells us to fake our confidence until we are actually confident. I try to but I just feel so stupid all the time especially at clinicals that it's hard to do. I feel like I don't even want to be a nurse but if I quit I will feel like such a failure. Just hang in there, that's waht I am doing. Everyone says it'll get easier... do you guys have any breaks coming up? We have a wk off for thanksgiving which I will be studying for exams alllll week, but then 3 wks off for christmas where i'll get to go see my husband. That is why I'm sticking to it. I'm hoping after first semester is over and I go see my husband I'll be ready to come back & get one more semester down. Well good luck to you, I think you should hang in there because I am right there with you feeling extremely depressed & wanting to quit SO bad. I KNOW that I will regret it if I just quit. Well keep in touch let me know how everything goes.

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

All of you just hang in there a little while longer and see how it goes! I know it's stressful and overwhelming. The work won't get any easier, but you will get more used to the pace of school, and more used to clinicals. I couldn't get the blood pressure right at first, either, but I ended up passing the return demo with flying colors. I am about to start my second rotation of clinicals EVER, and I'm nervous too. In the first one I felt like an idiot most of the time, and thought I was the only one not getting stuff and having a hard time. Then one of the people in my group walked out on the second day of clinicals, and I started to get to know the other people in my group and found that I was not the only one that felt that way. Sometimes you just don't know. People tend to put on a brave front. I think MOST of us are overwhelmed and freaked out.

OP, I honestly don't know how you're doing it! Your situation does sound very stressful. Maybe it does have something to do with your meds, and maybe some of the others are right about trying antidepressants. You might try talking to a counselor (I had one that saved my sanity when I first started school!). I have lived in an unhappy home situation while in school, too, but you just have to look at it as a means to an end. It is temporary, and the outcome will be worth it. Unless you just figure out that nursing truly isn't for you. Give it some more time, though. If this is your first semester then you are undoubtedly still home sick. With time that may lessen a little. Sometimes that first semester is the worst because you're thrown into a very intense academic environment that is different from anything else you have experienced. Get through it, take a deep breath, and then see how you feel. Lean on your friends. Keep studying to try to keep your mind off of things. Keep your eye on the prize!

Thanks for the kind words and OP, I will keep in touch with you on here. I am trying to hang on. I mean I feel like I dont' have a choice. I dont have a job and there aren't any jobs out there right now. I feel stuck really. I am not sure still that I want to be a nurse. I do want to help people though. In all honesty my absolute dream job would be to be a singer/songwriter. But, that's not so realistic of a career. Most people don't make it in music and so far I havent' either. I wonder if I should be putting all this time and energy into music instead of nursing school. I may never get anywhere but it makes me happy and I am passionate about it.

But at the same time, I am intrigued by nursing, I want to help people, and when I was in the delivery room with my best friend when she had her daughter, last year, l fell in love. I thought, I would love to do this! I was so impressed with the nurse who helped deliver her daughter. It looked so fun, interesting and rewarding.

But here I am in nursing school, so depressed. I never get to work on my music or have any other kind of life. I am not getting any younger. I am almost 35. I just feel at a crossroads.... Music and regular low paying jobs to get by OR nursing school now then nursing and music later.

What would you all do???

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