Struggling with jobs as introvert/passive/anti social/aloof/negative+language barrier
I am 29 years old, married with one daughter (3 months old). Been in US for 3 years because my husband lives here.
I am RN in my home country, very good in written exams. Worked a year in a hospital, 2 years as pharmacy assistant, 2 years in laser hair removal clinic in Saudi Arabia. Now in maternity leave but will resume work in a non ambulatory assisted living next month. I have pharmacy technician license (I just took the exam) and licensed vocational nurse license but both not practicing the profession.
Of all the credentials I mentioned what I can say is that I am not happy. Family wanted me to become a nurse to get good pay. (Supporting family financially til the end) But the thing is I am not happy with it. Too late to study again and take the course I wanted (no money in Fine Arts, interested in computers too). I stutter when I speak english. I can’t explain things whether in english or my native language. I do not know how to start or maintain a conversation at all. I am not comfortable talking to people. I get nervous and stressed whenever dealing with people. I don’t even talk to my own relatives, no close or bestfriends. I feel stressed and I feel different. I have flat affect. I look funny whenever I force myself to smile. How am I going to work as a nurse if I am like this?
My personality is like this since I was small. Only child, and in my family we are all serious we seldom smile, we’re negatives. We’re not rich. I grew up with my hardworking mom with a small eatery business and my alcoholic chainsmoker unemployed dad who gets destructive and disruptive if my mom won’t give him money. I grew up with hate and low self esteem.
Next year I plan to work as a nurse. I lack experience, I am good in exam but in actual work as if I don’t know anything. I want to atleast try before giving up.
Should I seek professional help? Get meds that might help? What to tell the doctor?