December Test Takers Support Group

Nursing Students NCLEX


So, I finally feel I should not give up......I will be a retaker for 2nd time in December. I felt so low when I failed the test in July'07. I was thinking to take in october but just couldnt get motivated to study. In the meantime, I joined RN-BSN program. So, currently I am in school taking 15 credits of classes. I need to have my RN license before winter so I can do practical in communnity health, a required class for BSN.

After visiting this site almost everyday, reading success stories and encouragement given by one of my wonderful instructor from my ASN program, I am motivated to do it.

So, newcomers as well as retakers, Lets get together, support each other and lets pass the RN test. WE CAN DO IT.

For now, I have started practicing Q&A at least 2 hrs/day from Saunders CD. I will keep you updating and hope you all will share the tips as well.


Two more days then it will be december.

OMG, i am already nervous about the test. To the first week test takers.......nothing but best will happen to you prayers and wishes to you all.

If you repeated Are those your final % on retakes? I read somewhere on the threads of this board that they passed with scores in the 60%.

I'm cheering for you all the way!!!!!!

I didn't have a chance to do retakes. I kind of slacked during the middle of the course so I had to hurry up and finish. So those were my original scores.

Thank you for your words of encouragement!! I really need that right now!!

Specializes in Geri.

I don't have a date yet. I started Suznne tips I am waiting for her response. I might be taking mine the middle of jan. I hope there will be a wonderful support group like this one for that test mont. thank you to everyone who post wonderful , kind words of encourgement........ I appreciate you.:balloons:

gnats. it's pronouced nuts........ lol.

exactly one month me get through this test!!!!

i am already freaking day is dec 28th.

tips are more than should i utilize the remaining 29 days.....thanks in advance.

Specializes in Neurology-ICU.
exactly one month me get through this test!!!!

i am already freaking day is dec 28th.

tips are more than should i utilize the remaining 29 days.....thanks in advance.

don't freak out.

i think you should brush up on your weak areas at this point so they stay fresh in your mind. if you can, begin to taper off your studying 1 week before the test and then give yourself 2 days before the test to completely decompress and relax. ;)

wizard100: yes, we are all scared out here. but i have this feeling that we'll all do great in the exam. i'll be praying for each and everyone of us here. and it makes me feel excited thinking about all of us posting the good news!

ergito2: it seems that you have a really good studying going on. saunders content are so helpful & kaplan helped me a lot on prioritization & delegation. thanks for your words of encouragement! really appreciate it. i know we'll all do great in the exam. after all the studying & sacrifices.. and more & more prayers.. i believe He will give this to us! Godbless to you & to all Dec test takers!

WAstateRN: i think we are all freaking out here. but as everyone suggests.. i'll take a relaxing break the day before the exam.. no studying anymore. i suggest you to try to go through the important topics and your weak areas. then may be a week before just answer test questions & review lab values again. that's my plan. hope this helps!

Yes, we all will be fine.......fingers crossed and prayers for all of us....It would be such a relief after nclex...can't wait for that day.


I'm also taking my exam the 2nd week of Dec for the 2nd time, as I have not been successful last July. :-( I am currently doing Kaplan (the complete course), I just did Q5 yesterday and my score was a 60%. I was so disappointed. Kaplan wants us to aim for at least a 65% or higher. Did anyone here had similar experiences? Like getting 60-65% on their Q trainer and still passed the exam? I'm kind of freaking out now because my judgment day is drawing near. Haha! Any advice for anyone who took Kaplan with the Question trainers and the Q bank??

Thanks for all your support! We will pass this test, December test-takers!!! :D Good luck!!

Specializes in New RN.
Yes, we all will be fine.......fingers crossed and prayers for all of us....It would be such a relief after nclex...can't wait for that day.

I also can't wait for that day. Even though I am nervous, and feel really scared. We will all get through this difficult time, we know this stuff and we will make it.

lets all give our LAST PUSH before the exam.. and just leave it all to the MAN UP THERE...


lets keep the faith.

I will be praying for all the test takers. I am taking it in Dec as well but I don't have a date yet but everyone will be in my prayers.


I'm also taking my exam the 2nd week of Dec for the 2nd time, as I have not been successful last July. :-( I am currently doing Kaplan (the complete course), I just did Q5 yesterday and my score was a 60%. I was so disappointed. Kaplan wants us to aim for at least a 65% or higher. Did anyone here had similar experiences? Like getting 60-65% on their Q trainer and still passed the exam? I'm kind of freaking out now because my judgment day is drawing near. Haha! Any advice for anyone who took Kaplan with the Question trainers and the Q bank??

Thanks for all your support! We will pass this test, December test-takers!!! :D Good luck!!

hey! i'm doing kaplan too. but i'm not done with Q5-7 coz i'm saving it for the last 2 weeks. here are my scores: Q1=63%, Q2=67%, Q3=64%, Q4=63%. i was kinda disappointed with my scores but let's just see how it goes in the exam. are you done watching all the review content videos online? coz it's too long and i don't know if i still have to go over it since i've read the kaplan book already. goodluck to all of us! yeah, we'll definitely give our best to pass this exam! :)

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