Daytona State January 09?

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I just got my acceptance letter for Daytona State (formerly DBCC) for January YEA!! This was my second time applying, I am so thankful I got in and so excited to get started.

So, is anyone else out there starting in January in Daytona?

Odd number because she dropped some questions. Yea the whole class did do a lot better, some of it was just getting over those first test jitters and seeing how the tests would be but most of it was because different test/different teacher. The test was a bit easier, the multiple choice answers were not quite so arbitrary if that makes sense.

Congrats on passing the dosage test. We have our second test in 1020 on Monday, I know what I will be doing this weekend.

Specializes in NICU Transport/NICU.

Sagan's Maid,

How did you and your class do on your second process test? We fared much better. I got an 82 on it and could've very easily gotten high 80's if I hadn't made a couple of very foolish mistakes.


I sort of blew that test, I got a 79. It brought my average up to a 78 though so I am officially passing! I am looking for something the the mid 80's for the next test to get me off the bubble.

Specializes in NICU Transport/NICU.

The difference between your process and foundations teachers seems pretty profound. People in my class are starting to drop like flies. I wonder how the school feels about the new curriculum. I sure hope all four semesters aren't like this. I am getting by, but not to the standards that I am used to. This has been a bit of a reality check. I find myself studying more now than I ever did for my bachelors degree and that includes the 4000 level classes I was in.

I don't know of anyone who has dropped yet, many have to do very very well on the next test though to realistically pass the class. I have heard rumors about the new curiculum not being a big hit with the school and they are wondering why 50% of the class is failing. Who knows though, rumors are rampant...

Specializes in NICU Transport/NICU.

Hey Sagan's Maid,

How did the semester turn out for you?

Hey Nick,

Did pretty well, B in process, A in foundations. The final in process was pretty rough, a lot of people needed a great grade to pass. Highest was something like an 88 so we lost about 10 people. Real bummer, a lot of nice people...

How did you and nights make out?

Specializes in NICU Transport/NICU.

We lost 8 people at the final. 6 prior to finals. So we're down to 16 from 30. I got a C+ and a B. A bit below my standards, but considering the hand we were dealt, I'm just happy to have passed. At least you got a reprieve from your hard teacher. We had the same teacher for both classes. I'm definitely looking forward to next semester though. Both of my teachers have a very good reputation.

wow, you lost nearly half you class, that really sucks. The people we lost really bummed me out. A bunch of really nice people, a lot of non-traditional students like me. Unfortunately not everyone was able to dig themselves out after that first test that nearly everyone failed.

Yes, our foundations teacher was great. We actually had people who made an A in foundations and failed fundamentals.

I have been reading all of the posts from Daytona. I have applied for the Aug 09 class, needless to say I am fraught with anxiety. I managed to get a 3.46 GPA and have all of my pre and co reqs finished. I want in soooooo bad. The sitting and waiting for the acceptance or declination letter consumes most of my thoughts. LOL

I assume those of you who started in Jan 09 have the new curriculum. I gathered from reading your posts I will be having my nose in a book a fair amount of the time. I AM SO READY!

Thanks to all of you and your posts it gives me some insight...and helps ease my anticipation.

Take Care:D

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